Lo que hoy conocemos como cultura organizal está llamado a mutar en los próximos años a partir de megas tendencias asociadas a las empresas que trabajan en red, jerarquías organizacionales suplantadas por sistemas autoorganizados que colaboran en plataformas digitales. Avanza una era de espíritu emprendedor, liderazgo distribuido y la continua reorganización de personas y recursos. Será un momento de desintermediación tanto dentro como entre las organizaciones. Las capas de gestión caerán; la necesidad de sistemas centralizados y redes sociales confiables se disipará, si no desaparecerá.
Aportando a la formación y el desarrollo personal y profesional de los líderes de empresas.
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2018
lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2018
Vinculo entre la Salud y la Cultura Organizacional
La cultura organizacional siempre se encuentra evolucionando. Se refiere a las creencias y valores que se viven en cada organización y se manifiesta en los comportamientos de sus miembros. Permiten acercarse o alejarse de los objetivos perseguidos.
Is it possible to re-engineer a sick company culture?
A healthy company culture can be a draw to an employee choosing a place to work. It’s also essential to how a workplace functions – Harvard Business Review recently wrote that culture influences how people spoke up – or if they didn’t.
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A healthy company culture can be a draw to an employee choosing a place to work. It’s also essential to how a workplace functions – Harvard Business Review recently wrote that culture influences how people spoke up – or if they didn’t.
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miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2018
"Separación Transparente" para Terminar el Vínculo LAboral
Muchas veces, despedir colaboradores de bajo rtendimiento supone una tensión emocional que lleva a sufrir e incluso postergar la decisión. El siguiente artículo propone un práctica "más humana" y mejor para la cultura de la compañía, que se denomina "separación transparente". Vale la pena su consideración.
A More Humane Approach to Firing People
Every manager knows the termination playbook: Be direct, keep it short, walk the employee out the door, shut down access to email, and so on. Having led three businesses, managed thousands of employees, and overseen hundreds of terminations, I had always followed the playbook drilled into me by legal and HR professionals.
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Every manager knows the termination playbook: Be direct, keep it short, walk the employee out the door, shut down access to email, and so on. Having led three businesses, managed thousands of employees, and overseen hundreds of terminations, I had always followed the playbook drilled into me by legal and HR professionals.
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martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018
La Importancia de la Diversidad Cutlural en el Lugar de Trabajo
Si bien es sabido que la diversidad cultural en el lugar de trabajo aporta múltiples beneficios, todas las personas y organizaciones enfrentamos una tendencia a resistirnos a esa diversidad para permanenecer en zona de confort. Este artículo irve para introducir el tema y preguntarno acerca de nuestras experiencias laborales a favor o en contra de esta diversidad cultural.
The Importance of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity in the workplace has been an important topic within many organizations for several decades but the growing numbers of millennials in the workplace has made the topic more important than ever
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Diversity in the workplace has been an important topic within many organizations for several decades but the growing numbers of millennials in the workplace has made the topic more important than ever
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lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2018
Los Mantras que Utilizan los Nº 1 para Avanzar Superando los Obstáculos
Sabemos que los Nº 1, enfrentan en soledad la toma de decisiones de negocios. Este artículo se refiere a 4 mantras que han ayudado a superar obstáculos y avanzar hacía el éxito. Dan cuenta de la preparación mental que todo empresario debe tener para avanzar. Pregunta: ¿cuales son los mantras que el lector utiliza?

![4 mantras that got me through difficult times in my solopreneur journey]()
4 mantras that got me through difficult times in my solopreneur journey
When I started my own career, I never imagined my own psychology would play such a big part in fueling my business growth, work quality, and overall happiness.
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When I started my own career, I never imagined my own psychology would play such a big part in fueling my business growth, work quality, and overall happiness.
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jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018
El Salario no es Todo lo que Cuenta
Llegado fin de año es común preguntarse acerca del avance en la carrera profesional. El salario no es el único foco de atención sino que hay otros elementos que deben considerarse.
6 work-life balance asks to request instead of a raise
Instead of only strategizing for monetary gains, professionals are encouraged to chase after a different type of satisfaction: balance!
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Instead of only strategizing for monetary gains, professionals are encouraged to chase after a different type of satisfaction: balance!
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miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2018
Los Obstáculos al Cambio
La película Moneyball ejemplifica las dificultades que enfrentan quienes proponen cambios en los modelos de gestión. Desde
allí, la lucha entre varias facciones en el mundo del béisbol
(compañeros de equipo, entrenadores, fanáticos) estalla en un frenesí de
dudas, miedo e ira, mientras que el destino del entrenador y sus ideas está
en juego. En
el mundo corporativo, la historia de Moneyball es una gran alegoría
para las emociones y los terrores que enfrenta la gestión del cambio. Tiene
todos los componentes correctos: nuevas ideas arriesgadas, una vieja
guardia obstinada y un líder que tiene que luchar con uñas y dientes por
sus creencias.
Leadership and Change Management
Change is difficult. We know this. Whether in business, personal life or international geopolitics, the sweep of revolutionary change can be painful, confusing and full of hardship.
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Change is difficult. We know this. Whether in business, personal life or international geopolitics, the sweep of revolutionary change can be painful, confusing and full of hardship.
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martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018
Liderazgo = Impulsar el Cambio Permanentemente
Los líderes deben ver el cambio no como un disrupción ocasional a la cual deben que adaptarse, sino como la esencia misma de la conducción de sus negocios. El liderazgo pasa por impulsar el cambio permanentemente.
You need to switch your change management thinking: here's how
“As an increasing number of people take on the role and mindset of the change management professional, [and] instead of striving to make innovation and improvement routine, they naturally encourage the treatment of change as something special,”
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“As an increasing number of people take on the role and mindset of the change management professional, [and] instead of striving to make innovation and improvement routine, they naturally encourage the treatment of change as something special,”
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lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018
Cambio Cultural para la Transformación
Ante situaciones de cambio muchos aplican recetas de libro de cocina. No interpretan la cultura organizacional y su vinculo con la necesidad de cambio. Este artículo sirve para reflexionar sobre la importancia de trabajar el cambio cultural apoyando a las iniciativas de transformación
Why Culture is Essential to Change Success
What is failed change? Whether it’s a change that doesn’t quite get finished or a change that fades away over time, change that does not achieve the expected outcomes and benefits is failed change.
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What is failed change? Whether it’s a change that doesn’t quite get finished or a change that fades away over time, change that does not achieve the expected outcomes and benefits is failed change.
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miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018
Como Mejorar tu Inteligencia Emocional
Las personas con inteligencia general parecen ser capaces de razonar socialmente. Las
personas con inteligencia emocional parecen tener mejores relaciones
con las personas y menos problemas con comportamientos problemáticos y
agresivos. Es útil tomar consciencia de nuestras capacidades emocionales para ponerlas en acción.
What is 'emotional intelligence?' How to improve your EQ
f you work in a corporate environment (and even if you don’t) you’ve likely heard someone extol the virtues of ‘emotional intelligence.’ You may have even taken an emotional intelligence test at work (like DiSC, for example), to assess how you interact with others and gauge your strengths.
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f you work in a corporate environment (and even if you don’t) you’ve likely heard someone extol the virtues of ‘emotional intelligence.’ You may have even taken an emotional intelligence test at work (like DiSC, for example), to assess how you interact with others and gauge your strengths.
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viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018
Como Aprender de los Errores
Muchas culturas organizacionales castigan el error y ello condiciona el comportamiento de sus empleados. Considerar el error como fuente de aprendizaje es clave para el éxito de las organizaciones.
Mistakes Are Inevitable: How To Minimize The Pain, Maximize The Opportunity
A few years ago, Deloitte conducted a survey of professionals from 1,300 organizations and 120 countries to better understand stress at work..
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A few years ago, Deloitte conducted a survey of professionals from 1,300 organizations and 120 countries to better understand stress at work..
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jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018
Como Impulsar la Gestión del Cambio Entre los Empleados
Las hisotrias de éxito en los procesos de gestión del cambio llamadas nos indican que hacer y que evitar.
Managing Change: How Companies Can Help Employees Embrace New Ideas
When ConnectOne Bancorp was looking to upgrade its customer interaction systems, its chief executive faced an issue that can permeate any company: resistance to change among employees.
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When ConnectOne Bancorp was looking to upgrade its customer interaction systems, its chief executive faced an issue that can permeate any company: resistance to change among employees.
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miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018
Retención de los Mejores Colaboradores
Un buen salario tienta a que nuestros colaboradores más talentosos onsideren un cambio de trabajo. Sin embargo, las
malas culturas organizacionales, líderes desconsiderados pueden convertir una oportunidad prometedora en una pesadilla
viviente. Tomar considencia de la realidad presente puede ayudar a que los colaboradores evitendecisiones erradas.
Help Your Team Members Succeed (Especially When They're Tempted to Leave)
Entrepreneurs who run successful companies know how to reward their employees appropriately. Sometimes a competitor steals a top performer -- that’s just part of the game. Good employers hate to see their employees leave, but they hate it even more when an employee leaves for a job that isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
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Entrepreneurs who run successful companies know how to reward their employees appropriately. Sometimes a competitor steals a top performer -- that’s just part of the game. Good employers hate to see their employees leave, but they hate it even more when an employee leaves for a job that isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
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martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018
Como Las Pymes Malgastan Recursos en Marketing
Hay errores comunes de las Pymes a la hora de invertir en marketing, que pueden ser evitados para conducir a mejores resultados de negocios.
8 Common Ways Small Businesses Waste Money Marketing
I hate seeing money lost to wasted marketing. After talking to hundreds of small business owners, I’ve discovered many inadvertently waste much of their budget on misused or ineffective tactics and tools.
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I hate seeing money lost to wasted marketing. After talking to hundreds of small business owners, I’ve discovered many inadvertently waste much of their budget on misused or ineffective tactics and tools.
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lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2018
Las 5 Funciones Clásicas del Gerente No Van Más
El cambio tecnológico ha cambiado dramáticamente las 5 funciones clásicas del gerente. Quien no lo entienda perderá supuesto. Las organizaciones que no se ajusten a la nueva realidad desapareceran por la propia dinámica competitiva.
The Role of a Manager Has to Change in 5 Key Ways
Today, we believe that the problem in most organizations isn’t simply that management is inefficient, it’s that the role and purpose of a “manager” haven’t kept pace with what’s needed.
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Today, we believe that the problem in most organizations isn’t simply that management is inefficient, it’s that the role and purpose of a “manager” haven’t kept pace with what’s needed.
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viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018
La Economía de la Longevidad
Los cambios demógraficos en el mundo obligan a repensar la economía no sólo en el aprovechamiento de los conocimientos de los adultos mayores, sino tambien en su consumo. Buen artículo para empezar el fin de semana.
The Longevity Opportunity
As the global population ages, new consumer opportunities and markets will emerge. Every company should have a strategy for tapping into the needs, wants, and buying power of older customers.
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As the global population ages, new consumer opportunities and markets will emerge. Every company should have a strategy for tapping into the needs, wants, and buying power of older customers.
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jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2018
El Ego es el Enemigo de Un Buen Líder
No es secreto que un ego descontrolado distorsiona nuestro entendimiento de la realidad y puede cambiar nuestros valores.
Ego Is the Enemy of Good Leadership
Our ego is like a target we carry with us. And like any target, the bigger it is, the more vulnerable it is to being hit. In this way, an inflated ego makes it easier for others to take advantage of us.
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Ego Is the Enemy of Good Leadership
Our ego is like a target we carry with us. And like any target, the bigger it is, the more vulnerable it is to being hit. In this way, an inflated ego makes it easier for others to take advantage of us.
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miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018
Silencio de los Empleados y cultura Organizacional
Interesante estudio que relaciona el "silencio organizacional" con condicionamientos de la cultura y que se manifiesta en menor aporte al futuro de la organización.
If Your Employees Aren't Speaking Up, Blame Company Culture
Companies benefit when employees speak up. When employees feel comfortable candidly voicing their opinions, suggestions, or concerns, organizations become better at handling threats as well as opportunities.
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Companies benefit when employees speak up. When employees feel comfortable candidly voicing their opinions, suggestions, or concerns, organizations become better at handling threats as well as opportunities.
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martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018
Los 4 Desafíos de las Pymes frente al CRM
El 50% de las Pyymes fracasan en los
primeros cuatro años porque sus dueños se enfrentan a muchos
desafíos que dificultan la continuidad de las operaciones. Estas
pequeñas empresas a menudo recurren al software Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) para obtener y mantener un mayor retorno de la
inversión. Pero ello conlleva 4 desafíos ...
4 Challenges SMBs Face in Using CRM Software
There are constantly new customer relationship management (CRM) innovations being implemented, yet these “innovations” only complicate the process of converting leads into actual sales. Learn how SMB owners can improve both financial growth and personal connections with leads all at the same time.
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There are constantly new customer relationship management (CRM) innovations being implemented, yet these “innovations” only complicate the process of converting leads into actual sales. Learn how SMB owners can improve both financial growth and personal connections with leads all at the same time.
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lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018
Nuevas Reglas del Juego para Las Pymes
la ayuda de tecnologías como la inteligencia artificial y el
aprendizaje automático , las pequeñas empresas de todos los tamaños,
incluidas las que no tienen empleados, nunca han estado en una mejor
posición para competir con empresas más grandes y más establecidas que
en la actualidad.
It Takes an Ecosystem
Good news, small businesses. The playing field is being leveled.
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Good news, small businesses. The playing field is being leveled.
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jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2018
Las 5 Capacidades de Gran Valor Pero Gratuitas
Muchas veces pensamos en el desarrollo de habilidad, desde una perspectiva de inversión de dinero en el mundo académico formal, sin pensar que hay capacidades básicas que aún no hemos desarrollado integralmente.
The Five Most Valuable Skills You Can Develop For Free
The most valuable skills you can have in life and work are rarely taught in school, never show up on a resume, and are consistently overlooked and underappreciated. But there’s some good news: It costs nothing to develop them and you have the opportunity to do so.
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The most valuable skills you can have in life and work are rarely taught in school, never show up on a resume, and are consistently overlooked and underappreciated. But there’s some good news: It costs nothing to develop them and you have the opportunity to do so.
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miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018
El Arte del "Elevator Pitch"
En la vida profesional normalmente contamos con muy pocos minutos para exponer una idea de modo exitoso. En pocos segundos, nuestro interlocutor decide si seguir escuchándonos o terminar la conversación. El arte de convencer a otro con nuestra propuesta tiene ciertas reglas a seguir.
The Art of the Elevator Pitch
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A winning pitch starts with a winning logline — a valuable lesson for innovators in any field. The most valuable innovations offer novel solutions to challenging problems...

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A winning pitch starts with a winning logline — a valuable lesson for innovators in any field. The most valuable innovations offer novel solutions to challenging problems...
martes, 30 de octubre de 2018
Como Acercarse a los Empleados Sin Perder Autoridad
Es comun que muchos jefes reconozcan la importancia de acercarse a sus empleados, pero temen que este acercamiento mine su autoridad. Hay acciones para alejar ese temor y que el acercamiento a los colaboradores sea altamente productivo.
How to Bond With Your Employees Without Compromising Your Authority
For any company, success is largely dependent on how well workers perform. I’ve long since learned that employees who perform the best are almost always those who are most engaged with their projects and teams. But you might be surprised to find out that one of the biggest contributing factors to the motivation and good feeling of an employee is often their relationship with their manager.
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For any company, success is largely dependent on how well workers perform. I’ve long since learned that employees who perform the best are almost always those who are most engaged with their projects and teams. But you might be surprised to find out that one of the biggest contributing factors to the motivation and good feeling of an employee is often their relationship with their manager.
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lunes, 29 de octubre de 2018
El Nivel de Incompetencia de los Líderes
"Todos somos ascendemos hasta alcanzar nuestro nivel de incompetencia". Esto tambien les pasa a los líderes, quien llegan a esa posición no por su capacidad para ejercerla, sino por haber realizado las tareas de la anterior. Es muy común, por tanto, que los nuevos líderes no estén en condiciones inmediatas para liderar. Pero algo se puede hacer ...
A Critical Leadership Problem Many Companies Don't Even Know They Have
I teach many leadership programs across the country, and one thing that continually surprises me is how many managers in my programs have no idea how to coach their employees effectively. This isn't their fault -- they were promoted because they were good at their old jobs. But when they were promoted to a leadership role, no one taught them how to lead.
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I teach many leadership programs across the country, and one thing that continually surprises me is how many managers in my programs have no idea how to coach their employees effectively. This isn't their fault -- they were promoted because they were good at their old jobs. But when they were promoted to a leadership role, no one taught them how to lead.
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viernes, 26 de octubre de 2018
6 Habilidades Clave de los Líderes
Quienes escribieron el Manual del Líder de Harvard Business Review recomiendan 6 habilidaes que todos los líderes debieran forzarse a practicar regularmente.
The 6 Fundamental Skills Every Leader Should Practice
There’s an old story about a tourist who asks a New Yorker how to get to the storied concert venue Carnegie Hall and is told, “Practice, practice, practice.” Obviously, this is good advice if you want to become a world-class performer — but it’s also good advice if you want to become a top-notch leader.
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There’s an old story about a tourist who asks a New Yorker how to get to the storied concert venue Carnegie Hall and is told, “Practice, practice, practice.” Obviously, this is good advice if you want to become a world-class performer — but it’s also good advice if you want to become a top-notch leader.
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jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018
Mejor Cultura Para Mejores Colaboradores
Toda Pyme que aspire a atraer y retener la mejor gente debe considerar la mejora de su cultura organizacional. Una mejor cultura organizacional no pasa por incorporar un futbolito o una play station. Responde a un enfoque complejo que alimenta el sistema de creencias y valores que se respira en la compañía. Supone un esfuerzo consistente en el tiempo
How Small Businesses Can Improve Their Company Culture To Attract The Best Candidates
Improving company culture is at the top of the agenda for many modern workplaces, as more employers are coming to appreciate the role it plays in attracting prospective employees especially millennials.
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Improving company culture is at the top of the agenda for many modern workplaces, as more employers are coming to appreciate the role it plays in attracting prospective employees especially millennials.
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miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2018
La Arrogancia de los Líderes
Si la humildad es un valor reconocido, porque los líderes corproativos son arrogantes ...
If Humility Is So Important, Why Are Leaders So Arrogant?
A recent management column in the Wall Street Journal appeared under the appealing headline, “The Best Bosses Are Humble Bosses.” The article reported that humble leaders “inspire close teamwork ...
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A recent management column in the Wall Street Journal appeared under the appealing headline, “The Best Bosses Are Humble Bosses.” The article reported that humble leaders “inspire close teamwork ...
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martes, 23 de octubre de 2018
Cuando Los Hombres son los Mejores Aliados de las Mujeres
Es clave que las estrategias tendientes a la igualdad de género en las empresas incluya la acción comprometida de los hombres. La
evidencia muestra que cuando los hombres participan deliberadamente en
programas de inclusión de género, el 96% de las organizaciones ven un
progreso, en comparación con solo el 30% de las organizaciones cuando ellos no participan.
How Men Can Become Better Allies to Women
Women’s conferences and employee resource groups (ERGs) are increasingly inviting men to attend. By creating events aimed at men, they hope to include men in discussions around gender equity in the workplace, and make organizational diversity efforts more successful.
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Women’s conferences and employee resource groups (ERGs) are increasingly inviting men to attend. By creating events aimed at men, they hope to include men in discussions around gender equity in the workplace, and make organizational diversity efforts more successful.
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lunes, 22 de octubre de 2018
Por un Adecuado Equilibrio entre Trabajo y Vida Personal
Felizmente las nuevas generaciones van imponiendo una mayor consciencia en la importancia de encontrar un adecuado balance entre trabajo y vida profesional. Este artículo se refiere a este importante tema.
The Importance Of Striking The Right Work-Life Balance
We all hope to achieve the perfect work-life balance where we can check off every task on the office to-do list before heading home at the right time to spend quality time with family, friends, or lazing around as we wish.
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We all hope to achieve the perfect work-life balance where we can check off every task on the office to-do list before heading home at the right time to spend quality time with family, friends, or lazing around as we wish.
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viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018
Los 5 Mayores Errores de las PyMES
Como empresarios, atribuimos el éxito a las cosas hechas por los exitosos. Sin embargo, aprender de los errores es igualmente valioso. Según este artículo de Forbes, hay cinco errores frecuentes entre los empresarios ...
Top Five Small Business Mistakes And How To Fix Them
Our business culture revolves around studying successes. Read any tech blog and you will drown in a sea of stories of founders who made it. Therein lies the survivorship bias.
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Our business culture revolves around studying successes. Read any tech blog and you will drown in a sea of stories of founders who made it. Therein lies the survivorship bias.
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jueves, 18 de octubre de 2018
La Inteligencia Emocional en la Experiencia del Cliente
Una base
importante para establecer una relación emocional con los clientes.
Según un artículo de Harvard Business Review, "los clientes conectados
emocionalmente son más del doble de valiosos que los clientes altamente
Emotional Intelligence Determines Your Customer's State Of Mind
Competition for the emotional loyalty of customers to a brand is in full swing. Aldous Huxley once wrote that “experience is not what happens to you -- it's how you interpret what happens to you.” It’s no longer just about what is objectively measurable; rather, a considerable part of customer loyalty now takes place on an emotional level. What makes a good product or service is simply a matter of customer perception.
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Competition for the emotional loyalty of customers to a brand is in full swing. Aldous Huxley once wrote that “experience is not what happens to you -- it's how you interpret what happens to you.” It’s no longer just about what is objectively measurable; rather, a considerable part of customer loyalty now takes place on an emotional level. What makes a good product or service is simply a matter of customer perception.
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miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018
Las Virtudes Complementarias del Líder
Aún los buenos líderes deben contar con un conjunto de virtudes complemetarias, que balancean sus virtudes centrales.
Why Leaders Need to Cultivate Complementary Strengths
How do I know? When he left one company to join another, many in his top team followed him to the new company because they wanted to keep working for him. That’s a pretty strong testimonial.
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How do I know? When he left one company to join another, many in his top team followed him to the new company because they wanted to keep working for him. That’s a pretty strong testimonial.
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martes, 16 de octubre de 2018
Pymes en Redes Sociales: 7 Ideas Efectivas
estás luchando para crear publicaciones relevantes, aquí hay algunas
ideas que podrían mantener a tus seguidores comprometidos y, con suerte,
atraer muchas nuevas:

7 effective social media post ideas for small businesses
The success of your social media marketing comes down to the quality of the content you are sharing, the timings and frequency of your posts and the level of interactions.
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7 effective social media post ideas for small businesses
The success of your social media marketing comes down to the quality of the content you are sharing, the timings and frequency of your posts and the level of interactions.
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viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018
Como Preparar tu Organización para La Innovación
Hay 4 acciones que pueden desarrollarse para orientar tu organización hacia la innovación.
How To Prepare Your Organization For Innovation In a recent article for Harvard Business Review, columnist Scott Kirsner pointed to a survey of 270 corporate leaders that found that the most significant obstacles to innovation are not things like budget, skill sets or CEO support, but politics and culture.
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jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018
Como Evaluar la Efectividad de los Programas de Bienestar Para los Empleados
Más del 60% de las empresas estadounidenses ofrecen programas de bienestar para sus empleados, sin embargo, no siempre es fácil medir la efectividad de los mismos. Este articulo plantea una interesante reflexión sobre el tema
How to Gauge the Effectiveness of Employee Wellness Programs
Tracking the data on the effectiveness of employee well-being programs can feel like you’re watching a Ping-Pong match.
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Tracking the data on the effectiveness of employee well-being programs can feel like you’re watching a Ping-Pong match.
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miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2018
10 Estrategias de Marketing para Pymes
Para muchas PyMES el desarrollo de acciones de marketing es una tarea pendiente. este artículo muestra estrategias de marketing efectivas para Pymes.
10 Awesome Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses
Today, I’m going to show you 10 different marketing strategies that have a proven history of success for small businesses.
Half of these options will probably be viable growth strategies for your unique business.
Four of them are probably worth testing out over the next month.
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Today, I’m going to show you 10 different marketing strategies that have a proven history of success for small businesses.
Half of these options will probably be viable growth strategies for your unique business.
Four of them are probably worth testing out over the next month.
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martes, 9 de octubre de 2018
Liderazgo y Gesión del Cambio
La pelicula "Moneyball" aporta un interesante punto de vista para entender la gestión del cambio. En
la trama, el Gerente de los Atléticos de Oakland, Billy
Beane (Brad Pitt), tiene la tarea de configurar a un equipo de béisbol con un
presupuestos que puedan competir a un alto nivel con los
otros equipos profesionales bien financiados en la Liga Mayor de
Leadership and Change Management
Change is difficult. We know this. Whether in business, personal life or international geopolitics, the sweep of revolutionary change can be painful, confusing and full of hardship.
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Change is difficult. We know this. Whether in business, personal life or international geopolitics, the sweep of revolutionary change can be painful, confusing and full of hardship.
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lunes, 8 de octubre de 2018
5 Fuerzas que Frenan el Cambio
tenemos métodos y herramientas de cambio muy superiores a todo lo que
estaba disponible en el pasado. Sin embargo, los resultados de losprocesos de cambio siguen siendo esquivos al éxito. Esto es porque hay fuerzas que obstaculizan el cambio ...
5 forces of friction which put a brake on change
In recent decades, the world of change management within organizational environments, particularly in technology related businesses, has improved significantly. Several change methods and frameworks have developed incrementally and at pace.
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In recent decades, the world of change management within organizational environments, particularly in technology related businesses, has improved significantly. Several change methods and frameworks have developed incrementally and at pace.
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viernes, 5 de octubre de 2018
Como Promocionar Tu Negocio Sin Grandes Gastos
Muchos empresarios buscan formas de promover sus negocios de modo efectivo sin altos costos. Aqui van algunas ideas para ello.
How to Promote Your Business Inexpensively
Business promotion is to running a successful business as practicing scales is to playing the piano well; it may not be a thrilling activity in itself, but ...
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Business promotion is to running a successful business as practicing scales is to playing the piano well; it may not be a thrilling activity in itself, but ...
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jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018
Estrategias para la Mejor Experiencia del Cliente
En plena "economía de la experiencia" la formulación de nuestra estrategia debe garantizar la mejor experiencia de los clientes.

A Simple Guide For Developing A Better Customer Experience Management Strategy
We all like to think that what we offer is so unique that it should sell itself. In reality, most customers see little difference between product offerings. Many competitors have similar features and offer similar quality. In this era of transparency, it’s harder than ever to compete on pricing. Customers have become accustomed to immediate access, instant answers, overnight delivery and free returns.
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A Simple Guide For Developing A Better Customer Experience Management Strategy
We all like to think that what we offer is so unique that it should sell itself. In reality, most customers see little difference between product offerings. Many competitors have similar features and offer similar quality. In this era of transparency, it’s harder than ever to compete on pricing. Customers have become accustomed to immediate access, instant answers, overnight delivery and free returns.
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miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018
"Storytelling" y Gestión del Cambio
La comunicación es un factor crucial en las experiencias de change management, en particular para transmitir la necesidad de cambiar para garantizar un futuro más sustentable e identificar el mejor modo de hacerlo. A continuación van algunas ideas sencillas de como hacerlo.
How to Use Storytelling in Change Management
Something profound happens when we hear a story. It activates parts of our brain that do not activate when just listening to a straightforward presentation. In fact, recent research suggests that stories change our brain chemistry — which in turn can change our behaviors.
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Something profound happens when we hear a story. It activates parts of our brain that do not activate when just listening to a straightforward presentation. In fact, recent research suggests that stories change our brain chemistry — which in turn can change our behaviors.
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martes, 2 de octubre de 2018
Los CEOs Deben Ensuciarse las Manos en el Reclutamiento
Es un clásico en reuniones con dueños de Pymes, sus quejas por la falta de personal idóneo y comprometido. Tambien es un clásico que quienes se quejan dejan la selección del personal en manos subalternos sin la formación necesaria. Este artículo de Harvard Business Review refuerza la necesidad de que los CEOs se "ensucien" las manos con las tareas de selección del personal.
CEOs Need to Get Their Hands Dirty With Recruiting
Executives worry about talent. According to Harvard Business Review, it’s one of the top three concerns of CEOs today. Thanks to advances in technology and a shifting business landscape, company leaders around the world are challenged with finding new ways to connect with and engage top-tier candidates.
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Executives worry about talent. According to Harvard Business Review, it’s one of the top three concerns of CEOs today. Thanks to advances in technology and a shifting business landscape, company leaders around the world are challenged with finding new ways to connect with and engage top-tier candidates.
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domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018
En Tiempos de Cambio Gestione las Emociones
Los procesos de cambios generar emociones negativas en quienes se ven afectados. El mejor modo de evitar que esas emociones se transformen en obstáculos al cambio es trabajar para revertirlas y transofrmarlas en impulsoras del cambio.
In times of change, feelings matter: managing emotions during organizational change
Change is a constant part of our world, it can be exciting and innovative and it can be uncomfortable and necessary, but the fact remains that it is unavoidable
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Change is a constant part of our world, it can be exciting and innovative and it can be uncomfortable and necessary, but the fact remains that it is unavoidable
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viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018
5 Hábitos Diarios de los Líderes Éxitosos
Los líderes de empresas luchan permanentemente por optimizar su tiempo. Es una lucha que genera insatisfacción y la sensación que no se logran los objetivos. Este articulo plantea recomendaciones para generar hábitos virtuosos.
5 Habits Successful Business Leaders Use Every Day
Harvard Business Review recently published a study of nearly 30 CEOs (most leading large public companies), recording how each used his or her time over the course of a quarter. The CEOs’ executive assistants tracked their time in 15-minute segments, and the findings were consistent: These CEOs average 9.7 working hours every weekday, 3.9 hours on weekends and 2.4 hours on vacation days.
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5 Habits Successful Business Leaders Use Every Day
Harvard Business Review recently published a study of nearly 30 CEOs (most leading large public companies), recording how each used his or her time over the course of a quarter. The CEOs’ executive assistants tracked their time in 15-minute segments, and the findings were consistent: These CEOs average 9.7 working hours every weekday, 3.9 hours on weekends and 2.4 hours on vacation days.
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jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2018
Adaptabilidad al Cambio como Factor Crítico de Éxito
encuesta Harvard Business Review 2016 identificó la capacidad de
adaptación como la habilidad más importante para las empresas que
evolucionan. La adaptabilidad debe estar en la descripción del trabajo de todos. Desafortunadamente,
esta habilidad no se aprende escuela ni leyendo manuales. Y
esto es un problema en cualquier organización, porque cada
persona que no se adapta al cambio es un lastre para los esfuerzos de
cambio de la organización, que la hace menos flexible y menos capaz
de competir exitosamente.
Change Is The New Normal. How Will You Handle It?
How has your business changed in the last year? Moving HR and IT to the cloud? Did you migrate products or essential internal systems to the cloud? Are AI and big data changing your business? Have you digitized your customer-facing interactions?
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How has your business changed in the last year? Moving HR and IT to the cloud? Did you migrate products or essential internal systems to the cloud? Are AI and big data changing your business? Have you digitized your customer-facing interactions?
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miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2018
El CHRO es "La Mano" del CEO
La compatitividad nos lleva a participar en una "guerra por el talento", una brecha de habilidades en nuestro país y nuestras empresas. Año tras año, los CEO tienen el desafío de contratar y retener talento. El Director de Recursos Humanos es la pieza clave que ejecuta acciones en esta guerra por el talento.
Why The Chief Human Resources Officer Is The True Hand To The CEO
According to Harvard Business Review, "Research by McKinsey and the Conference Board consistently finds that CEOs worldwide see human capital as a top challenge, and they rank HR as only the eighth or ninth most important function in a company."
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According to Harvard Business Review, "Research by McKinsey and the Conference Board consistently finds that CEOs worldwide see human capital as a top challenge, and they rank HR as only the eighth or ninth most important function in a company."
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martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018
Acerca del "Arte de la Impermanencia"
Todo en la vida es fugaz. Esas emociones, pensamientos, desafíos, altibajos, van y vienen. Los momentos en la vida son un constante estado de cambio, y cuando aceptamos esta realidad, puede traer una gran paz. Este concepto de impermanencia no cambia nada en su vida, pero puede simplificar el viaje. Aquí hay algunas cosas más que puedes esperar al practicar el arte de la impermanencia.
The art of impermanence: The waves will come, just ride them better
Our thoughts are like waves in the ocean. They keep coming. Sometimes, it feels like the waves are bigger and we’re fighting for air. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.
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Our thoughts are like waves in the ocean. They keep coming. Sometimes, it feels like the waves are bigger and we’re fighting for air. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.
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lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018
¿Por Que No Nos Hacemos Tiempo para la Estrategia?
Una paradoja del mundo de los negocios tiene que ver con la importancia que los líderes dicen atribuirle a la estrategia y el poco tiempo que le asignan a su elaboración. Este artículo de Harvard Business Review trata de explicar sus razones.

If Strategy Is So Important, Why Don't We Make Time for It?
Almost every leader wants to make more time for strategic thinking. In one survey of 10,000 senior leaders, 97% of them said that being strategic was the leadership behavior most important to their organization’s success.
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If Strategy Is So Important, Why Don't We Make Time for It?
Almost every leader wants to make more time for strategic thinking. In one survey of 10,000 senior leaders, 97% of them said that being strategic was the leadership behavior most important to their organization’s success.
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