Un buen salario tienta a que nuestros colaboradores más talentosos onsideren un cambio de trabajo. Sin embargo, las
malas culturas organizacionales, líderes desconsiderados pueden convertir una oportunidad prometedora en una pesadilla
viviente. Tomar considencia de la realidad presente puede ayudar a que los colaboradores evitendecisiones erradas.
Help Your Team Members Succeed (Especially When They're Tempted to Leave)
Entrepreneurs who run successful companies know how to reward their employees appropriately. Sometimes a competitor steals a top performer -- that’s just part of the game. Good employers hate to see their employees leave, but they hate it even more when an employee leaves for a job that isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
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Entrepreneurs who run successful companies know how to reward their employees appropriately. Sometimes a competitor steals a top performer -- that’s just part of the game. Good employers hate to see their employees leave, but they hate it even more when an employee leaves for a job that isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
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