viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

Liderazgo en Tiempos de Crisis

Muchos líderes empresarios jóvenes están atravesando a crisis actual, padeciendo el momento y sintiendo que ponen en riesgo su liderazgo en cada decisión. Hay ciertas "buenas prácticas" que ayudarán a orientarlos.

article-imageSuccessful leadership tactics in a time of crisis
Never do you forget that sinking feeling like an executive, treading water as the tide keeps rising. The painted picture of what it was supposed to be like, the natural career progression; however, the reality of the speed of change within that role is so real for new time executives. Harvard Business Review reported that 50 percent of executives would leave within the first 18 months of their appointment.
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jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

Marketing en Tiempos de Crisis

El marketing no es ajeno a la actual crisis. Las agencias han cambiado su enfoque para adaptarlo a la actual realidad.  De igual modo sus clientes, deben repensar sus acciones.

Marketing Dos and Don'ts During a CrisisMarketing Dos and Don'ts During a Crisis 
These are extremely difficult times, and making it more difficult is that these are uncharted waters full of speculation, self-appointed gurus and presumptive forecasts, leaving business owners unclear on what they should or shouldn't be doing with their business.
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miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

La Cuarentena como Tiempo de Mejora Personal

Es posible ver el confinamiento como una oportunidad de mejorarnos a nosotros mismos y nuestros vinculos con los demás. Smart People Use Their Quarantine Time To Self-Improve And Help Others
If you're following the demands of our government, you’re reading this cocooned in your home under lockdown or self-quarantine. 
At first, it didn’t seem so bad. You had the opportunity to catch up on a few Netflix shows that you’ve been looking forward to watching. You were able to read some good books without interruption and get a little extra sleep since you no longer have that annoying two-hour, back-and-forth commute to work.  
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martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Tips para Gestionar Equipos Trabajando a Distancia

Tips para los nuevos tiempos de trabajo remoto.

Remote working: five steps to getting the best from remote teams
For a number of years remote working has been on the rise, particularly as people have embraced the freedoms provided by technology to roam across the globe whilst staying connected back home. However, for the majority of office-based workers, the option to work remotely has been an occasional, and mostly voluntary, treat. 
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lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Construyendo Resiliencia Frente a la Crisis

Ante la crisis debemos aumentar nuestra capacidad de recuperación mental para enfrentar los desafios que enfrentamos. La resiliencia es la habilidad de notar nuestros propios pensamientos, desengancharnos de los no constructivos y reequilibrar rápidamente. Esta habilidad se puede nutrir y entrenar. Aquí hay tres estrategias efectivas.

Build Your Resilience in the Face of a Crisis
As the spread and far-reaching impacts of Covid-19 dominate the world news, we have all been witnessing and experiencing the parallel spread of worry, anxiety, and instability. Indeed, in a crisis, our mental state often seems only to exacerbate an already extremely challenging situation, becoming a major obstacle in itself.
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jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Productividad vs. Perfección

Conozco mucha gente ocupada, muchos de ellos dueños de empresas. Muchas veces los ocupados esconden altos niveles de improductividad y frecuentemente su búsqueda de la perfección es causante de esa improductividad.

Don't Let Perfection Be the Enemy of Productivity
Productivity isn’t about getting more done. It’s about what you get done. Three aspects of perfectionism can interfere with your ability to prioritize the most important tasks.
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miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

GPS Estratégico: Recalculando Frente al Coronavirus

El coronavirus no sólo es un fenomeno disruptivo que obliga a pensar nuestra cadena logística y productiva. Es tambien una oportunidad de repensar nuestro negocio para el futuro.

Smiling female owner taking steps to protect and grow her business.The Impact Of Coronavirus. Advice For Small Businesses, Startups Who Have Been Funded And Those Startups Seeking Funding.
 “Spend every dollar as if it were your last.” This is a quote from Sequoia Capital, a leading venture capital firm in Silicon Valley. No, this was not a quote from yesterday but from 2008 when we entered what would be called the “Great Recession.” While the coronavirus is probably not going to lead the USA or the world into a recession, it certainly will cause a significant disruption.
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martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Como Se Adaptan las Empresas a la Diusrupción Provocada por el Coronavirus

En estos tiempos, nada mejor que anticiparnos a los desafíos que se vienen y para ello entender que es lo que han empezado a hacer los empresarios que enfrentaron estos problemas antes que nosotros.

How Business Owners Are Responding to Business Disruption--and Even Finding Reasons for Optimism |
The coronavirus has only just started to hit San Diego, but Pacific Manufacturing, a private-label sock business, has seen how quickly it could change everything. Its 12 employees in Haining, China, have finally returned to work in staggered shifts--a social distancing measure--following a two-week quarantine.
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lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Como Liderar en Tiempos de Coronavirus

Hay profesiones que gestión con frecuencia situaciones de crisis y por tanto tienen cosas que enseñarnos a la hora de enfrentar el coronavirus. Este es el caso de los Navy SEALs quienes pueden eneñarnos a liderar en tiempos de coronavirus.

Retired four-star general Stanley McChrystal (L) and former Navy SEAL Chris Fussell visit Build Series to discuss Fussell's new book "One Mission: How Leaders Build a Team of Teams" at Build Studio on June 16, 2017 in New York City. A retired general and Navy SEAL on how to be a true leader during the coronavirus outbreak
Since January 2020, many of us have watched the spread of the coronavirus and the responses by both governments and businesses with fascination and dread. The transmission patterns have been unpredictable and hard to detect. And those two variables — hard to predict, hard to detect — amplify how challenging it is for large institutions — like governments and corporations — to know how to respond effectively.
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martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

La Improductividad de los "Ocupados"

¿Cuantas veces los empresarios dicen que no pueden asumir nuevos compromisos porque están ocupados?. Muchos estudios muestran que "estar ocupado" es una muestra de la improductividad de esos ejecutivos, cuando no de pereza y eludir las responsabilidades.

article-imageHow being busy makes you unproductive
Being busy has somehow become a badge of honor. The prevailing notion is that if you aren’t super busy, you aren’t important or hard working. The truth is, busyness makes you less productive.
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lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

Herramientas de Trabajo a Distancia en Tiempos de Coronavirus

Todo indica que se aproximan tiempos en que se acentuará el trabajo a distancia. Dentro de lo negativo de la amenaza del coronavirus, puede resultar una buena experiencia para avanzar con el trabajo a distancia. Aqui se mencionan algunas herramientas para avanzar en ese sentido.

Rendering of a laptop running Slack next to a stack of books and plantTelecommuting amid coronavirus: Best tech tools for you and the kids to work from home
The coronavirus is making us consider different scenarios. What if I need to work from home? What’s the best way to make sure our products and services still reach our customers? How can I stop traveling to visit clients? What will the kids do to keep up their grades should a breakout happen at their school?
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domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020

Como Atraer Nuevos Clientes para tu Pyme

Uno de los desafíos del momento para la mayor parte de las Pymes, es aumentar sus ventas. Hay estrategia sencillas para lograrlo.

magnet attracting customers10 Great Ways To Attract New Customers To Your Small Business
Was one of your resolutions this year to increase your customer base? Here are 10 tried-and-true tips to help you attract more customers.
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miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2020

Equipos de Alto Desempeño

Los modos de producción han evolucionado desde líneas de producción aisladas a modos colaborativos entre dentro y entre equipos de trabajo. El gran desafío del presente es mejorar el desempeño de esos equipoas para apalancar el desempeño de las empresas.

Team Performance Drives Company Performance. Here are 5 Ways to Improve Yours
 Over the last several decades, the nature of work for many people has shifted from assembly line manufacturing to collaborative knowledge work. We are no longer an economy driven by raw production requiring a large quantity of manual labor. We are an economy of ideas and innovation where a small team of highly skilled experts can create enormous value by leveraging technology and networks.
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martes, 3 de marzo de 2020

Prepara Tu Cadena Logística Frente al Coronavirus

Sin caer en paranoias, es conveniente prepararse ante los escenarios inciertos que plantea la amenaza del conoravirus.

Prepare Your Supply Chain for Coronavirus
Developing a cogent supply chain response to the coronavirus outbreak is extremely challenging, given the scale of the crisis and the rate at which it is evolving.
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lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020

Como Actuar en una "Economía de Redes"

Vivimos en una economía de redes, aunque pretendamos ignorarlo. Las redes de pares son una herramienta clave para desarrollo personal y profesional de los dueños y directivos de empresas. Los "lobos solitarios" o logran superar los resultados de "jugadores de redes".

Build a Network — Even When You Don't Think You Need One
 There are plenty of reasons professionals don’t network enough. We’re all busy. Some have stressful family obligations. Others are introverts who don’t take to the process naturally. Of course, you can find time-efficient ways to connect with others and learn new techniques that will make you more comfortable — if there’s sufficient will to change.
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