Es un clásico en reuniones con dueños de Pymes, sus quejas por la falta de personal idóneo y comprometido. Tambien es un clásico que quienes se quejan dejan la selección del personal en manos subalternos sin la formación necesaria. Este artículo de Harvard Business Review refuerza la necesidad de que los CEOs se "ensucien" las manos con las tareas de selección del personal.
CEOs Need to Get Their Hands Dirty With Recruiting
Executives worry about talent. According to Harvard Business Review, it’s one of the top three concerns of CEOs today. Thanks to advances in technology and a shifting business landscape, company leaders around the world are challenged with finding new ways to connect with and engage top-tier candidates.
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Executives worry about talent. According to Harvard Business Review, it’s one of the top three concerns of CEOs today. Thanks to advances in technology and a shifting business landscape, company leaders around the world are challenged with finding new ways to connect with and engage top-tier candidates.
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