viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

Como Presupuestar en Contexto de Alta Incertidumbre

Algunos consejos para las Pymes son universales, sin importar la geografía en que ellas actuan.  Sobretodo cuando se trata de recomendaciones para actuar ante escenarios de altísima incertidumbre.
Creating a budget during the coronavirus pandemic is essential, and nearly impossible.
How to Build a Business Budget for an Uncertain Future During the Pandemic
Small business owners are living through the greatest economic challenge they may ever face. The Covid-19 pandemic won't play out like an ordinary recession--there are no models that can account for the near-infinite variables affecting the United States' ability to contain the pandemic and get the economy back to normal.

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

Aprendizajes a Partir de la Crisis COVID-19

La crisis del COVID-19 impacta a todas las industrias y de ella podemos sacar valiosas enseñanzas que pemitan una nueva normalidad más humana y con mayor productividad. Esta historia se basa en la experiencia de medicos de Estados Unidos, pero puede ser extrapolable a otras geografías y otras industrias.

What One Health Care CEO Is Learning from the Pandemic
Chad Spain is a family medicine physician who practices in an Intermountain Healthcare clinic in Salt Lake City, and during the pandemic, he treated a patient who needed more than medical care. The man is homeless, has some mental health issues, and had a series of medical problems, including a month-long hospitalization for cellulitis, a serious bacterial skin infection. “He needed close monitoring when he left the hospital,” Chad said. “But because he didn’t have a home to go to, he went to a skilled nursing facility.”
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lunes, 27 de julio de 2020

5 Claves para la Supervivencia de las Pymes

Durante los últimos cuatro meses hemos asistido a un proceso de extraordinaria reinvensión por parte de las Pymes. Por donde miremos, encontraremos admirables historias de reconversión, particularmente sobre 5 planos complementarios. Este proceso, no ha finalizado, continuará profundizandose en los próximos meses.

Business partners preparing shipment to deliver to customer5 key survival techniques for small businesses during a crisis
Ninety-two percent of small businesses have used the pandemic crisis to reinvent themselves, according to GetApp's new research, America's Small Businesses Have Reinvented Themselves. Small businesses are changing operating hours, revamping pricing structures, and adding new payment methods, as well as adding new delivery channels, services and products. 
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jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

Como Lidiar con La "Fatiga de la Crisis"

En las conversaciones con líderes empresarios se percibe la "fatiga de la crisis" y cierta tendencia a reducir medidas de seguridad. Los expertos llaman la atención sobre esta reacción y llaman a gestionar la crisis de un modo más inteligente.
‘Crisis fatigue’ might be the dangerous reason why you stopped wearing a mask

‘Crisis fatigue’ might be the dangerous reason why you stopped wearing a mask'Crisis fatigue' might be the dangerous reason why you stopped wearing a mask
A quarter of a year into the COVID-19 pandemic and some people simply have had enough. What they’re experiencing—a sense of helplessness, an ongoing dread, a desire to simply give up—is not uncommon. Mental health experts call it crisis fatigue, quarantine fatigue, or caution fatigue.

martes, 21 de julio de 2020

Equipos con "Sentido de Urgencia"

Algunas empresas están logrando excelentes resultados en tiempos de crisis y sus líderes perciben que sus equipos se encuentran satisfechos de lo logrado, creyendo que estos resultdos se mantendrán en el largo plazo.  Es hora de generar un sentido de urgencia que permita sostener el éxito.

Inspiring a Sense of Urgency in Your TeamInspiring a Sense of Urgency in Your Team
When the Covid-19 crisis initially shook the business world, everyone scrambled merely to make sure they could survive. In an economy that seemed to be in a free fall, being 25 percent off their forecast was a win.

lunes, 20 de julio de 2020

¿Por Que Es Vital Proteger Los Start-Ups Durante El COVID-19?

El World Economic Forum alerta sobre la importancia de proteger a las empresas nuevas durante la pandemia. Son estas las empresas que permitiran crear empleao, generar riqueza y aspirar a la prosperidad.  Algunos líderes visionarios lo percibieron y se encuentran apoyando a empresas locales y atrayendo empresarios de otros países. Otros gobernantes se empeñan en poner obstáculos a las empresas. Los resultados se veraán en el mediano plazo.

starts ups business new company economics imf money gdp finance recession recovery growth negative Coronavirus china virus health healthcare who world health organization disease deaths pandemic epidemic worries concerns Health virus contagious contagion viruses diseases disease lab laboratory doctor health dr nurse medical medicine drugs vaccines vaccinations inoculations technology testing test medicinal biotechnology biotech biology chemistry physics microscope research influenza flu cold common cold bug risk symptomes respiratory china iran italy europe asia america south america north washing hands wash hands coughs sneezes spread spreading precaution precautions health warning covid 19 cov SARS 2019ncov wuhan sarscow wuhanpneumonia  pneumonia outbreak patients unhealthy fatality mortality elderly old elder age serious death deathly deadly Why it is vital to protect start-ups during COVID-19
 Start-ups have emerged as key drivers of economic growth and job creation, and are often a catalyst for radical innovation. Young firms account for about 20% of employment but create almost half of new jobs on average across OECD countries (OECD 2016), and innovation by young firms contributes significantly to aggregate productivity growth, accounting for half of it in the US (Klenow and Li 2020).
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viernes, 17 de julio de 2020

El "Cerebro COVID" y Tratarlo

Los especialistas en neurociencias se refieren al "Cerebro COVID" para hablar de estados mentales de alta fragilidad. Hoy todos, en particular los líderes empresarios, deben hacer un esfuerzo extra para cuidarse física, mental y espiritualmente. Este artículo arroja ciertas pìstas de como hacerlo.

Neuroscientist: Covid Brain Is Real. Here's How to Deal With ItNeuroscientist: Covid Brain Is Real. Here's How to Deal With It
Deciding when and how to pivot your business may be the difference between bankruptcy and survival. Putting that mask on, or not, could keep you or someone you love out of the hospital. With stakes so high, you'd think that evolution would have pushed our brains to be sharper about making decisions during a crisis. But for most of us the pandemic hasn't left us feeling any smarter.  
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jueves, 16 de julio de 2020

El Analisis FODA Para los Tiempos de Crisis

En tiempos de crisis económica, el "clásico" análisis FODA puede ayudarnos a enfrentar tormentas con más confianza y claridad. El conocimiento de la empresa y su posición en el mundo es el mejor paso hacia el éxito. Esta herramienta combinada con otras, como el modelo CANVAS, pueden ayudarnos a mejorar nuestro modelo de negocios.

SWOT analysis napkin doodleSWOT analysis: Why you should perform one, especially during times of uncertainty
SWOT analysis is a technique that can help determ
ine your company's strengths and weaknesses, even during times of uncertainty. Knowing where your company stands is the best way to move it forward.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Respuestas Exitosas de Empresas Frente a la Pandemia

Durante las ultimas semanas/meses los líderes empresarios vienen buscando las mejores respuestas ante la crisis provocada por la pandemia. Respuestas que permitan sortear las amenazas del corto plazo y reposicionar sus empresas para horizontes más vastos.  Conocer como otras empresas responden exitosamente puede ser una fuente de inspiración para gestionar nuestros propios negocios.

How Businesses Have Successfully Pivoted During the Pandemic
The nearly instantaneous economic recession triggered by the Covid-19 shutdown has wreaked havoc on businesses large and small. Our very way of life is also said to be threatened. On the basis of sweeping proclamations about “the end of commuting,” “the demise of retail,” and “the collapse of globalization,” many executives have come to assume that everything will change.

martes, 14 de julio de 2020

5 Claves para Gestionar Equipos de Ventas Remotos

La transición hacia la nueva normalidad, viene planteando desafios a lideres empresarios en la gestión de sus equipos de ventas remotos. Ciertas prácticas y herramientas pueden facilitar esa gestión y contribuir a mejores resultados.

Five Keys To Managing Remote Sales Teams
The coronavirus pandemic has forced billions of people worldwide to remain at home – displacing selling teams and accelerating the adoption of virtual selling channels. Few organizations were prepared for this scale of employee dispersion.
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lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

Cultura Corporativa Positiva para Afrontar la Realidad Actual

En estos días, muchos líderes emprearios están revalorizando el aporte de sus culturas corporativas para alcanzar resultados durante la transcición que plantea al pandemia y en lo que será la nueva normalidad. Es un debate abierto que a ser enriquecido por diversidad de opiniones y experiencias.

Team Joining ConceptWhy A Positive Company Culture Is Especially Critical Today
Diversity and inclusion have never been more important to emphasize than today. Racial and social injustices continue to plague our communities and divide our society. These events have fueled questions around a company’s role as a corporate citizen, and professionals are assessing whether their employer’s values align with their own. In response, leaders need to strengthen their role as influencers of their organizational culture.

martes, 7 de julio de 2020

La Pandemia Demuestra que los Millennials Tenían Razon

Una de las enseñanzas que dejará la pandemia será la revalorización de los millennials, su forma de ver el mundo y trabajar.  En general, as Pymes que dieron lugar a los millennials, hoy están en mejores condiciones competitivas que aquellas que prefirieron ignorarlos. 

woman works on computer
For small business owners, the pandemic proves it: millennials were right
For years, many business owners my age – in our 50s, which by some accounts is about the average age of the typical US business owner – have complained about the younger, millennial generation.

lunes, 6 de julio de 2020

Claves de los Econsistemas Emprendedores

La recuperación post-crisis COVID-10 requerirá de la creación de muchas nuevas empresas. Entonces, es válido preguntarse cuales son las claves que generan, en ciertas geografías, las condiciones ideales para la generación de nuevos emprendimientos. Un conjunto de factores institucionales, educativos, tecnológico y redes de soporte contribuyen a definir esas locaciones amigables para la generación de emprendimientos. ¿Existen en Argentina esas condiciones?

Photo:Council Post: Startup Culture Geography: What's Changing?
The phenomenon of startup culture has transformed local economies and driven innovation. However, it's more localized than it may seem at first glance. The geography of startup culture reveals that in certain locations, the right mix of conditions produces a large share of innovation and entrepreneurial growth. As global economies shift because of the Covid-19 pandemic, these local startup hubs will also morph.

viernes, 3 de julio de 2020

Testimonio: Como Trabajar la Cultura Organizacional Durante la Crisis

Las empresas que tienen una cultura empresarial bien definida y sostenida serán las que sobrevivan a la crisis de COVID-19. Desarrollar la cultura es un tema complejo pero que "hace la diferencia", como testimonia este dueño de una cadena de pizzerías.

Nick BogaczCompany Culture: Defining, Building and Maintaining It During a Crisis
With the attention we pay to "culture," you'd think we were all amateur anthropologists. But there is a reason it plays a significant role in how we think about businesses today. Identifying and understanding your business culture strengthens your company internally and externally. In fact, companies with happy employees outperform their competition by 20%.

jueves, 2 de julio de 2020

La Soledad del Nº 1

Casi todos los números 1 de las pymes se encuentran solos a la hora de tomar decisiones y eso afecta la calidad de las mismas. De allí la importancia de formar redes de pares, cosa que saben bien los miembros Vistage.

Lost at sea in row boat surrounded by sharks looking for a preyWhy Loneliness Is A Problem For Leaders And What To Do About It
The phrase “lonely at the top” may be true but it is also fatalistic. Some may think that loneliness is the price of success for those who achieve a significant role, recognition or financial reward. Leaders themselves may think that loneliness is an unalterable condition they must endure. Well-intended advice to increase social contact seems logical since it is often assumed that loneliness stems from being alone or being the “only one.” However, the most important factor in loneliness is not the number or frequency of contacts, but a lack of meaningful connection with other people.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

Y si el aislamiento durase 3 años ...

El resurgimiento de nuevas olas de COVID-19 parece indicar que no debemos soñar con volver a la vieja normalidad. Tenemos ante nosotros una transición larga e impredecible. Nuestros negocios deben tomar este hecho en cuenta y debemos repensar nuestras estrategias para sobrevivir.

louisiana new orleans coronavirus reopening restaurant barSkyrocketing infections and an impending second wave of shutdowns proves that reopening the economy won't save the restaurant industry
When Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced he'd allow restaurants to reopen on April 27, over 120 Atlanta restaurant owners united to commit to remaining closed, saying it was far too soon to reopen...
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