viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Las Interpretaciones Erradas del Concepto de Liderazgo

Exiten muchas interpretaciones erradas relativas a lo que entendemos por liderazgo. Ello complica nuestras conversaciones sobre el tema. Es hora de ajustar los paradigmas. El siguiente artículo aporta ideas valiosas.
 Why most definitions of leadership are wrong

 What makes someone a leader anyway? Much a simple question, and yet it continues to vex some of the best thinkers in business. We've written several books on leadership, and yet it's a rare thing to actually pause to define leadership. Let’s start with what leadership is not…Leadership has nothing to do with seniority or one’s position in the hierarchy of a company.
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jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Felicidad y Éxito No Van de la Mano: Para Pensarlo

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Nos hemos acostumbrado a pensar que éxito es sinonimo de felicidad. Es bueno darse cuenta que no necesariamente es así, explorar en nuestra vida los vinculos entre estos dos conceptos, reconsiderar el criterio de "éxito" y predisponernos para la felicidad más allá del éxito.


4 Simple Truths about Life and Success We Often Forget

martes, 28 de julio de 2015

Sabiduría Clásica para Líderes Actuales

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La naturaleza humana no cambia y aquellas máximas de los clásicos se mantienen vigentes para los líderes actuales.


The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership - How many of today's problems are the result of leadership?
What's lacking, the author of The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership argue, is the lack of real leadership.

10 Secretos de la Comunicación de Grandes Líderes

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Comunicarse con grandes audiencias siempre es un desafío, por eso este tipo de artículos supone la transmisión de tips de gran utilidad.


10 Communication Secrets of Great Leaders

lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

The Power of Mindful Leadership

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Juan Cruz Lozada shared with you:


The Power of Mindful Leadership

The Huffington Post - From the moment you wake up, you're bombarded with distractions. Emails clog your inbox, requests pile up, and notifications flicker in the background. Within moments your attention is scattered. Given the realities of today's 24/7 world, how do great leaders slow down and focus in order to make thoughtful decisions?

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La Soledad como Fuente de Ventajas

Meditate7 ways mentally strong people take advantage of solitude
En un mundo hiperagitado, la soledad ofrece ventajas que pueden ser aprovechadas para aumentar la productividad y la satisfacción personal. Vale la pena considerarlo.

sábado, 25 de julio de 2015

4 Razones para Admitir los Errores

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Este artículo de Forbes se centra en la importancia de admitir los errores por parte de los líderes. Vale la pena leerlo.

4 Reasons Great Leaders Admit Their Mistakes

Forbes - When leaders admit to mistakes, it brings clarity to opportunity gaps and elevates a deeper sense of accountability that can be shared amongst the team. Everyone begins to value the importance of having each other's back.

viernes, 24 de julio de 2015

Los 4 Roles que el Líder Debe Desempeñar

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Muchas veces los líderes e concentrarn en desempeñar roles determinados y acotados, lo cual disminuye su efectividad. Por ello, es oportuno tener presente los múltiples roles que debe desempeñar.

The 4 Roles Every Leader Must Be Able to Play - As a leader, you're forced to play multiple roles within your teams and your organization as whole. No matter the size of a business, the services it provides, or the growth it's experiencing, the drive behind it comes from leadership. And because of the nature of how businesses are most effectively run, a leader is judged on their ability to maximize the potential and performance of his people in order to create value. Really good companies create value across the board--for the customer, for stakeholders and investors, for employees and for the bottom line.

jueves, 23 de julio de 2015

10 Cosas que la Gente Creativa Hace Distinto

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¿Sos una persona creativa? Quizas esta guía pueda ayudarte a ver cuan creativo sos.


10 Things Creative People Do Differently - I've been writing for as long as I have conscious memory. In fact, I think my conscious memory begins when I began writing, around the age of six, when I penned my first story. I began to keep a Read