viernes, 31 de mayo de 2019

Un Secreto del Exito: Nuestra Mentalidad

La mentalidad con que uno afronta la vida es uno de los determinantes del éxito relativo que puede alcanzar. Este artículo habla de ello.

uncaptionedThe Secret To Success: Mindset
 The turn of another year always brings with it the allure of a new beginning. I am no exception to this lure. And ahead of the new year, I read the first writings of Napoleon Hill, the king of the stigmatized self-help genre, whose book Think and Grow Rich has sold over 20 million copies.
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jueves, 30 de mayo de 2019

Guía para una "Perfecta" Experiencia Cliente

Existen algunas ideas básicas para alcanzar la mejor experiencia cliente, que contradicen el sentido común.

The Perfect Customer Experience Is Not What You Think
Great customer experience (CX) does not exist in a vacuum. To design an experience that keeps people coming back, focus less on wowing the crowd and more on creating a plan that consistently delivers satisfying results.
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miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019

Los Grandes Líderes Forman Grandes Líderes

Normalmente se evalua a los líderes en función de los resultados de mercado alcanzados por sus compañía. Sin embargo, el liderazgo se asocia al desarrollo de las personas y por tanto los mejores líderes son los que generan nuevos líderes de gran impacto.

Great leaders create great leaders: It's not a coincidental outcome, it's part of the job
You can’t judge a great leader by their salary, or how many years of experience they have under their belt — that’s only part of the picture and not even a telling one at that. If you want to identify a great leader, look no farther than their team.
Assuming the responsibility of developing internal talent is what typifies the bad from the good; the good from the great. All leaders understand the importance of attracting top talent, but what you do with that talent once they’re officially on your company’s payroll is what truly matters.
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martes, 28 de mayo de 2019

Como Utilizar el Fracaso Como Disparador del Éxito

Existe un arte para gestionar el fracaso y convertirlo en el disparador del éxito.

How to Embrace Failure and Use It to Succeed
 We all have had setbacks in business - the challenge is learn from each one to improve skills and decision making, rather than let failures get you down and reduce your chances of ever achieving success.
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lunes, 27 de mayo de 2019

Los Millennials Estan Cambiando Lo que Significa Ser Dueño de Empresa

Cambios sutiles pero permanentes están tomando lugar en las nuevas empresas. Esto es producto de como los millennials enfocan sus responsabilidades como dueños de empresa. Los millennials están contribuyendo a un mundo mejor, mal que les pese a sus detractores.

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Millennials are changing what it means to be a business owner. Here's how they compare to other generations.
 These days, anyone from age 22 to 37 is a card-carrying member of the millennial generation, and they're changing the face of business ownership. As they take the helm of businesses across the country, millennials are applying their own approach to being the boss. According to the Capital One Small Business Growth Index, they are more optimistic, more likely to offer benefits to their employees, and are more focused on innovation than their older counterparts.
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miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019

Las PyMES Generan Mas Empleo Que Las Grandes Empresas

En realidad no es ningun secreto que las PyMES generan más empleo que las grandes corporaciones, tanto en USA como en Argentina. Pero siempre es útil conocer detalles de esta realidad. Sirve para valorar el carácter estratégico de las Pymes y el esfuerzo heroíco de los pequeños y medianos empresarios. 
The glass architecture of the National Security Sciences Building at Los Alamos National Laboratory is a great reflector of the coming weather. The Laboratory is well-known for its role in creating the atomic bomb, which was tested at the Trinity Site in White Sands, New Mexico, then dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan to help end World War II. This particular building on the Laboratory grounds houses research archives.Small Business Are Having A Bigger Impact On Job Creation Than Large Corporations
Last Friday’s announcement that the United States unemployment rate is down to 3.9% is great news for the American economy.  In addition to the national unemployment rate being at its lowest since 1969, only seven states have unemployment rates above 4.6% - the number used by economists to measure “full employment”.
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martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

5 Rituales para la Felicidad, Segun las Neurociencias

La neurociencias ayudan a entender algunas trampas mentales que nos plantean nuestros cerebros. En este caso investigadores de UCLA aportan ideas sobre como ser más felices a partir de ciertos hábitos.

New neuroscience reveals 5 rituals that will make you happy
You want to be happy. Unfortunately, your brain is not always in a cooperating kind of mood. What gives?
Honestly, happiness is not a helpful goal. Yeah, you heard me. It’s too vague and abstract. And plenty of research shows we’re not always very good at predicting what makes us happy.

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lunes, 20 de mayo de 2019

Las Buenas Compañías para el Éxito

Indudablemente nuestro entorno impacta en nuestra actitud y nuestros resultados. Nuestras posibilidades de éxito se encuentran influenciadas por quienes interactuan con nosotros. Rodearse d elas personas adecuadas contribuye a alcanzar los resultados pretendidos.

woman networking interview smiling happyTo become more successful, surround yourself with these 4 types of people
Surrounding yourself with the right type of people can help success come more naturally to you than being around those who might hold you back. 
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jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

El Asesino de las Pymes

Tanto en Argentina como en el resto del mundo, las empresas grandes tienden a utilizar a las Pymes como mecanismos de financiación retrasándose en los pagos y poniendo a estas en condiciones de extención.

rand,currencyLate payment the assasin of small businesses - SBI
ate payments have been called the "assassin of small businesses" and many big businesses are treating small businesses as a line of credit, according to Bernard Swanepoel, executive director of the Small Business Institute (SBI).
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miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2019

Lecciones de Gestión del Cambio Dictadas por el Master de Augusta

Para quienes están abiertos a aprender cualquier oportunidad es buena. Aqui se ve como pueden sacarse lecciones de gestión del cambio a partir del Master de Augusta.

golf hole surrounded by waterHow to Win at Change Management: Lessons From the Masters Tournament
We can all learn from the masters, those who have perfected the difficult, and even managed to conquer the impossible. Master practitioners don’t just tell us, they show us by example how to achieve our goals.
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lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

3 Habitos para Mejorar ell Pensamiento Crítico

Cuando la calidad del pensamiento ajeno nos plantea dudas, es bueno tomar distancia para validar las premisas sobre las que se sostiene, su lógica interna y opciones no consideradas. Asi tambien calidaremos la calidad del pensamiento propio, que muchas veces es tan deficiente como el ajeno.

3 Simple Habits to Improve Your Critical Thinking
A few years ago, a CEO assured me that his company was the market leader. “Clients will not leave for competitors,” he added. “It costs too much for them to switch.” Within weeks, the manufacturing giant Procter & Gamble elected not to renew its contract with the firm. The CEO was shocked — but he shouldn’t have been.
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miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2019

"Estoy Muy Ocupado": Una Mala Excusa

¿Cuantas veces ante nuestra invitación recibimos como respuesta: "Estoy muy ocupado"?. Por un lado, el mensaje de victimización no nos resulta válido porque todos estamos muy ocupados. En segundo lugar, revela que tan ineficiente es en el uso del tiempo nuestro interlocutor.Peor aún, cuando nuestra invitación es para que participe en actividades que ayudarán a mejorar su productividad.

Stop saying 'I'm so busy.' Harvard researchers say this is what successful people do instead

“I’m so busy” — three little words we say all the time as a way to decline invitations. But guess what? Everyone is busy, so while you might think the message you’re sending with “I’m so busy” is, “I’m really slammed,” what the other person really hears is, “What I’m working on is more important than you.”
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martes, 7 de mayo de 2019

4 Pasos Para Alcanzar Tus Objetivos en la Vida

Interesante reflexión sobre como orientar tus hábitos para que te conduzcan a la felicidad y el éxito.

4 steps to getting anything you want in life
“Don’t wish it was easier wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge wish for more wisdom.” — Jim Rohn
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lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019

Para Ser un Mejor Líder

Algunos consejos que aparecen en un reciente artículo de Harvard BR.

Want to Be a Better Boss? Harvard Business Review Study Says You Need to Be Tough and Nice
 What makes for a good boss? Many would say that the good ones motivate and inspire. They are pleasant to work with and encourage everyone to do their best. They try to create environments that make work fun. Of course, a good boss also has to be tough and provide constructive feedback when needed and make difficult business choices.
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jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

Neurociencias y Liderazgo

La mayoría de las organizaciones dedican mucho más tiempo a la generación de valor externo que al sentido de valor interno de las personas.  La ironía es que ignorar la experiencia interna de las personas les lleva a gastar más energía defendiendo su valor, dejándoles menos energía para crear valor. Juego de palabras que se explica en este artículo de Harvard BR.

Great Leaders Are Thoughtful and Deliberate, Not Impulsive and Reactive
 Welcome to the invisible drama that operates inside us all day long at work, mostly outside our consciousness. Most of us believe we have one self. In reality, we have two different selves, run by two separate operating systems, in different parts of our brain.
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