En plena "economía de la experiencia" la formulación de nuestra estrategia debe garantizar la mejor experiencia de los clientes.

A Simple Guide For Developing A Better Customer Experience Management Strategy
We all like to think that what we offer is so unique that it should sell itself. In reality, most customers see little difference between product offerings. Many competitors have similar features and offer similar quality. In this era of transparency, it’s harder than ever to compete on pricing. Customers have become accustomed to immediate access, instant answers, overnight delivery and free returns.
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A Simple Guide For Developing A Better Customer Experience Management Strategy
We all like to think that what we offer is so unique that it should sell itself. In reality, most customers see little difference between product offerings. Many competitors have similar features and offer similar quality. In this era of transparency, it’s harder than ever to compete on pricing. Customers have become accustomed to immediate access, instant answers, overnight delivery and free returns.
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