martes, 1 de septiembre de 2020

La Matriz de Eisenhower: Una Herramienta para la Productividad

En estas épocas de crisis, es común que en las conversaciones con líderes empresarios surja que estos se ven sobrepasados por las múltiples tareas que deben realizar y confusos respecto al orden de sus prioridades. La clásica Matriz de Eisenhower es un herramienta que ayuda a identificar la naturaleza de las acciones a realizar y sus prioridades relativas. 

Businesswoman Marking Schedule
Reduce Chaos As A Business Leader By Using The Eisenhower Matrix
 “How effective am I?” This is a question we often ask ourselves in daily life. And it becomes a critical question if we run a business. Our effectiveness can play a key role in determining the success — or the failure — of a company.
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lunes, 24 de agosto de 2020

11 Startups Argentinos que Sobresalen

Aún en un contexto sombrío los emprendedores y empresarios argentinos brillan.

11 startups from Argentina to watch in 2020
“Hay que pasar el invierno”. La política y economía argentinas están marcadas por decisiones pasadas que hacen que su situación actual sea aún más difícil de superar. Esto es lo que enfrentan las startups en Argentina que ya están teniendo un 2020 rudo. 
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viernes, 21 de agosto de 2020

8 Tendencias de Liderazgo que se Consolidan en el 2020

Mas allá del día a día marcado por la pandemia, hay ciertas tendencias globales para los negocios que se van consolidando en el presente y que impactan a la totalidad del mundo empresario.

Eight Executive Leadership Trends For 2020Eight Executive Leadership Trends For 2020
Global leadership is answering the call of a world that is demanding change. Change in the way business approaches three key things: trust, knowledge transfer, and cultural dynamics.
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martes, 18 de agosto de 2020

Como Crear un "Elevator Pitch" Perfecto

Todos tenemos fallas de comunicación que nos impiden transmitir nuestras propuestas de valor de un modo efectivo. Descuidamos como hacer que nuestro mensaje impacte a su destinatario. Nos enredamos en discursos y explicaciones que no capturan la atención de nuestra audiencia y asi malogramos las oportunidades de capturar su atención y alcanzar nuestros objetivos. Por ello, con líderes empresarios entrenamos prácticas comunicacionales que mejoren su efectividad a la hora de los negocios.

 woman giving presentation to coworkers How to Create the Perfect Elevator Pitch
Many business owners look toward developing their networks to grow and improve their businesses. A common way to help achieve this goal is a “go-around-the-table-and-introduce-yourself” type of exercise.
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jueves, 13 de agosto de 2020

Tiempos de Pandemia: Ideales Para Emprender

A diferencia de lo que el sentido común pareciera sugerir, hay quienes piensan que las crisis como la actual son momentos ideal para lanzar nuevas empresas al mercado.

The pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do nowThe pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do nowThe pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do nowThe pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do
 The pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do nowPersonally, I don’t think there’s ever a “right time” to start a business. If you look at the last big financial recession, a lot of powerful companies came out of the housing crisis of 2008, and a lot of powerful companies failed. And if you compare that to two or so years ago, when the economy was arguably the best it has ever been, there were companies that raised tons of money and went on to be very successful, and there were also companies that raised tons of money and completely bombed.
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miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2020

La Persuación del Líder

Trabajando con líderes empresarios, muchas veces llegamos a momentos de verdad, en los que hay que enfrentar a quienes se oponen a nuestras ideas. Liderazgo supone el coraje de decir lo que se considera correcto, no lo que los demas quieren escuchar. La labor del líder supone convencer a equipo en el valor de sus decisiones. La habilidad de persuadir es propia de los líderes exitosos.

How to (Actually) Change Someone's Mind
 If you’re a leader, it’s likely that not everyone who works with you will agree with the decisions you make — and that’s okay. Leadership involves making unpopular decisions while navigating complex relationships with colleagues, partners, and clients. But often, you will need to get buy-in from these constituents, and therefore you will need to convince them to change their mind.
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martes, 11 de agosto de 2020

La Pandemia como Oportunidad para un Renacimiento

Podemos convertir la pandemia en un proceso de innovación para el renacimiento de la economía. Por supuesto, para esto necesitamos "líderes", entendiendo por ello conductores con una visión de progreso y valor para dirigir a la sociedad. Valor para decirle a la sociedad lo que necesita y no lo que ésta quiere escuchar.

The Pandemic is an Opportunity for an Innovation Renaissance
While confronting the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt rose to the challenge to innovate by enacting the New Deal and told Americans that “the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it: if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” 
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lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020

Negocios que Crecen en Tiempos de Pandemia

Durante los ultimos meses venimos trabajando en como crecer durante la pandemia. Mientras otros solo atienden el día a día, con los empresarios de mi red venimos preguntándonos como innovar para crecer y desarrollar ventajas en estos tiempos complejos. Este artículo enseña varios caminos posibles.

How to Keep Business Going and Growing During an Economic DownturnHow to Keep Business Going and Growing During an Economic Downturn
According to research from Innovation Leader, an innovation research think tank, 28 percent of Fortune 1000 companies today say they have been focusing less on new growth initiatives, and 46 percent are putting a greater emphasis on the core business. 
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sábado, 8 de agosto de 2020

La Estrategia Sueca Frente al COVID Está Resultando Exitosa

Meses atrás se señalaba la política sueca frente al COVID como un ejemplo negativo de lo que debía hacerse. Sin embargo, ahora, empiezan a aparecer análisis que muestrán el éxito de Suecia en la gestión de la pandemia.

swedenSweden's COVID-19 strategy is already paying off
There are lots of different ways of measuring the terrible state of the global economy. The collapse in overall output. The fall in trade as ports and airports empty. The trillions printed by central banks, and the soaring price of gold as investors lose faith in a recovery. But one is surely this: keeping the drop in GDP in single digits actually looks pretty good.
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viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Tips para un Exitoso E-Commerce

En épocas de acelerada transformación digital, quienes se inician en el e-commerce deben tener presente algunas consideraciones para el éxito de sus negocios.

How to Build a Successful E-commerce Business in the Congested Lifestyle DomainHow to Build a Successful E-commerce Business in the Congested Lifestyle Domain
 Any business idea is only an idea till it doesn’t have a USP and for an e-commerce brand, it is the most important to understand what is the USP and how well you can use it to develop a customer base. E-commerce can be a challenging space owing to the vast variety of options to choose from and having the capability to service a large crowd.
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jueves, 6 de agosto de 2020

La Nueva Industria de la Salud

La pandemia ha disparado la creación de una serie de empresas que facilitan la utilización de servicios de telemedicina, rediseñando el futuro inmediato de la industria de la salud. La que no volverá a ser lo que fue, para beneficio de todos.

The Doctor Is In With This New Telemedicine ETFThe Doctor Is In With This New Telemedicine ETF
Telemedicine was in the early innings of a boom prior to the coronavirus pandemic, but the pandemic hastened the industry's ascent, as it has with several other market segments.
What Happened: Where's a hot theme, an exchange-traded fund usually isn't far behind. Thanks to the Global X Telemedicine & Digital Health ETF EDOC 0.07%, which debuted Thursday, telemedicine now has its own ETF.
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miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2020

Los Informáticos Rediseñan la Nueva Sociedad

La pandemia no solo a puesto en primera línea a los médicos y enfermeros que nos cuidan frente al COVID-19, sino tambien a los tecnologos que han permitido transformar nuestras empresas digitalmente. No obstante, esta transformación tiene como correlato el crecimiento del cyber-crimen. Todo ello, plantea un desafio para los propios tecnológos y las empresas. El World Economic Forum se hace eco de esta problemática.

Top 5 Global RisksCyber developers are re-engineering society. Here's the No. 1 thing they need
COVID-19 has forced organizations around the globe to move their operations online to ensure business operation continuity. Through this rapid digitalization, the cyber-attack surface has expanded drastically, with hackers and cyber criminals taking advantage. Every day, new reports come of attacks on healthcare systems, video conferencing tools, and even global organizations coordinating COVID-19 response efforts. Cyber risks have become more likely even in the eyes of experts, who participate in the yearly Global Risks Perception Survey.
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martes, 4 de agosto de 2020

Evolución Digital de la Industria Farmaceutica

La industria farmaceutica se está transformando aceleradamente. La pandemia ha sido un acelerador de este proceso.  En otras industrias se están operando similares transformaciones. Muchas industrias emergeran de la pandemia transformadas.

From treatment to prevention: The evolution of digital healthcare
Since the 1970s, computational data approaches have complemented biological research and have evolved into powerful scientific disciplines such as bioinformatics, systems biology and computational genomics.
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lunes, 3 de agosto de 2020

El Futuro de las Manufacturas

Frente a escenarios de alta incertidumbre los líderes industriales anticipan los ejes de la transformación de la industria manufacturera.

uncaptionedThe Future Of Manufacturing: What Executives Are Saying
After the massive disruptions that took up the first half of this year, and continue to varying degrees in many areas of the world, manufacturers are looking to the future. From supply chains to workforce agility, manufacturers have come to realize that preparedness is key to adapting to the fluctuations in demand seen in today's current climate.
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sábado, 1 de agosto de 2020

La Telemedicina Llegó para Quedarse

Está claro que la normalidad Post-COVID-19 será muy diferente a la previa. Ejemplo como el de la Asociación Médica de Australia, pidiendo el mantenimiento de la telemedicina y de prescripciones a través de internet, muestran indicios de como muchas industrias cambiarán para siempre gracias al COVID-19.

La telemedicina como herramienta fundamental de soporte y ...Australian Medical Association calls for telehealth permanency | ZDNet
The Australian Medical Association (AMA) has thrown its support behind making e-prescriptions and telehealth a lasting feature of Australia's health system, even once COVID-19 restrictions are eased.

viernes, 31 de julio de 2020

Como Presupuestar en Contexto de Alta Incertidumbre

Algunos consejos para las Pymes son universales, sin importar la geografía en que ellas actuan.  Sobretodo cuando se trata de recomendaciones para actuar ante escenarios de altísima incertidumbre.
Creating a budget during the coronavirus pandemic is essential, and nearly impossible.
How to Build a Business Budget for an Uncertain Future During the Pandemic
Small business owners are living through the greatest economic challenge they may ever face. The Covid-19 pandemic won't play out like an ordinary recession--there are no models that can account for the near-infinite variables affecting the United States' ability to contain the pandemic and get the economy back to normal.

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

Aprendizajes a Partir de la Crisis COVID-19

La crisis del COVID-19 impacta a todas las industrias y de ella podemos sacar valiosas enseñanzas que pemitan una nueva normalidad más humana y con mayor productividad. Esta historia se basa en la experiencia de medicos de Estados Unidos, pero puede ser extrapolable a otras geografías y otras industrias.

What One Health Care CEO Is Learning from the Pandemic
Chad Spain is a family medicine physician who practices in an Intermountain Healthcare clinic in Salt Lake City, and during the pandemic, he treated a patient who needed more than medical care. The man is homeless, has some mental health issues, and had a series of medical problems, including a month-long hospitalization for cellulitis, a serious bacterial skin infection. “He needed close monitoring when he left the hospital,” Chad said. “But because he didn’t have a home to go to, he went to a skilled nursing facility.”
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lunes, 27 de julio de 2020

5 Claves para la Supervivencia de las Pymes

Durante los últimos cuatro meses hemos asistido a un proceso de extraordinaria reinvensión por parte de las Pymes. Por donde miremos, encontraremos admirables historias de reconversión, particularmente sobre 5 planos complementarios. Este proceso, no ha finalizado, continuará profundizandose en los próximos meses.

Business partners preparing shipment to deliver to customer5 key survival techniques for small businesses during a crisis
Ninety-two percent of small businesses have used the pandemic crisis to reinvent themselves, according to GetApp's new research, America's Small Businesses Have Reinvented Themselves. Small businesses are changing operating hours, revamping pricing structures, and adding new payment methods, as well as adding new delivery channels, services and products. 
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jueves, 23 de julio de 2020

Como Lidiar con La "Fatiga de la Crisis"

En las conversaciones con líderes empresarios se percibe la "fatiga de la crisis" y cierta tendencia a reducir medidas de seguridad. Los expertos llaman la atención sobre esta reacción y llaman a gestionar la crisis de un modo más inteligente.
‘Crisis fatigue’ might be the dangerous reason why you stopped wearing a mask

‘Crisis fatigue’ might be the dangerous reason why you stopped wearing a mask'Crisis fatigue' might be the dangerous reason why you stopped wearing a mask
A quarter of a year into the COVID-19 pandemic and some people simply have had enough. What they’re experiencing—a sense of helplessness, an ongoing dread, a desire to simply give up—is not uncommon. Mental health experts call it crisis fatigue, quarantine fatigue, or caution fatigue.

martes, 21 de julio de 2020

Equipos con "Sentido de Urgencia"

Algunas empresas están logrando excelentes resultados en tiempos de crisis y sus líderes perciben que sus equipos se encuentran satisfechos de lo logrado, creyendo que estos resultdos se mantendrán en el largo plazo.  Es hora de generar un sentido de urgencia que permita sostener el éxito.

Inspiring a Sense of Urgency in Your TeamInspiring a Sense of Urgency in Your Team
When the Covid-19 crisis initially shook the business world, everyone scrambled merely to make sure they could survive. In an economy that seemed to be in a free fall, being 25 percent off their forecast was a win.

lunes, 20 de julio de 2020

¿Por Que Es Vital Proteger Los Start-Ups Durante El COVID-19?

El World Economic Forum alerta sobre la importancia de proteger a las empresas nuevas durante la pandemia. Son estas las empresas que permitiran crear empleao, generar riqueza y aspirar a la prosperidad.  Algunos líderes visionarios lo percibieron y se encuentran apoyando a empresas locales y atrayendo empresarios de otros países. Otros gobernantes se empeñan en poner obstáculos a las empresas. Los resultados se veraán en el mediano plazo.

starts ups business new company economics imf money gdp finance recession recovery growth negative Coronavirus china virus health healthcare who world health organization disease deaths pandemic epidemic worries concerns Health virus contagious contagion viruses diseases disease lab laboratory doctor health dr nurse medical medicine drugs vaccines vaccinations inoculations technology testing test medicinal biotechnology biotech biology chemistry physics microscope research influenza flu cold common cold bug risk symptomes respiratory china iran italy europe asia america south america north washing hands wash hands coughs sneezes spread spreading precaution precautions health warning covid 19 cov SARS 2019ncov wuhan sarscow wuhanpneumonia  pneumonia outbreak patients unhealthy fatality mortality elderly old elder age serious death deathly deadly Why it is vital to protect start-ups during COVID-19
 Start-ups have emerged as key drivers of economic growth and job creation, and are often a catalyst for radical innovation. Young firms account for about 20% of employment but create almost half of new jobs on average across OECD countries (OECD 2016), and innovation by young firms contributes significantly to aggregate productivity growth, accounting for half of it in the US (Klenow and Li 2020).
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viernes, 17 de julio de 2020

El "Cerebro COVID" y Tratarlo

Los especialistas en neurociencias se refieren al "Cerebro COVID" para hablar de estados mentales de alta fragilidad. Hoy todos, en particular los líderes empresarios, deben hacer un esfuerzo extra para cuidarse física, mental y espiritualmente. Este artículo arroja ciertas pìstas de como hacerlo.

Neuroscientist: Covid Brain Is Real. Here's How to Deal With ItNeuroscientist: Covid Brain Is Real. Here's How to Deal With It
Deciding when and how to pivot your business may be the difference between bankruptcy and survival. Putting that mask on, or not, could keep you or someone you love out of the hospital. With stakes so high, you'd think that evolution would have pushed our brains to be sharper about making decisions during a crisis. But for most of us the pandemic hasn't left us feeling any smarter.  
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jueves, 16 de julio de 2020

El Analisis FODA Para los Tiempos de Crisis

En tiempos de crisis económica, el "clásico" análisis FODA puede ayudarnos a enfrentar tormentas con más confianza y claridad. El conocimiento de la empresa y su posición en el mundo es el mejor paso hacia el éxito. Esta herramienta combinada con otras, como el modelo CANVAS, pueden ayudarnos a mejorar nuestro modelo de negocios.

SWOT analysis napkin doodleSWOT analysis: Why you should perform one, especially during times of uncertainty
SWOT analysis is a technique that can help determ
ine your company's strengths and weaknesses, even during times of uncertainty. Knowing where your company stands is the best way to move it forward.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Respuestas Exitosas de Empresas Frente a la Pandemia

Durante las ultimas semanas/meses los líderes empresarios vienen buscando las mejores respuestas ante la crisis provocada por la pandemia. Respuestas que permitan sortear las amenazas del corto plazo y reposicionar sus empresas para horizontes más vastos.  Conocer como otras empresas responden exitosamente puede ser una fuente de inspiración para gestionar nuestros propios negocios.

How Businesses Have Successfully Pivoted During the Pandemic
The nearly instantaneous economic recession triggered by the Covid-19 shutdown has wreaked havoc on businesses large and small. Our very way of life is also said to be threatened. On the basis of sweeping proclamations about “the end of commuting,” “the demise of retail,” and “the collapse of globalization,” many executives have come to assume that everything will change.

martes, 14 de julio de 2020

5 Claves para Gestionar Equipos de Ventas Remotos

La transición hacia la nueva normalidad, viene planteando desafios a lideres empresarios en la gestión de sus equipos de ventas remotos. Ciertas prácticas y herramientas pueden facilitar esa gestión y contribuir a mejores resultados.

Five Keys To Managing Remote Sales Teams
The coronavirus pandemic has forced billions of people worldwide to remain at home – displacing selling teams and accelerating the adoption of virtual selling channels. Few organizations were prepared for this scale of employee dispersion.
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lunes, 13 de julio de 2020

Cultura Corporativa Positiva para Afrontar la Realidad Actual

En estos días, muchos líderes emprearios están revalorizando el aporte de sus culturas corporativas para alcanzar resultados durante la transcición que plantea al pandemia y en lo que será la nueva normalidad. Es un debate abierto que a ser enriquecido por diversidad de opiniones y experiencias.

Team Joining ConceptWhy A Positive Company Culture Is Especially Critical Today
Diversity and inclusion have never been more important to emphasize than today. Racial and social injustices continue to plague our communities and divide our society. These events have fueled questions around a company’s role as a corporate citizen, and professionals are assessing whether their employer’s values align with their own. In response, leaders need to strengthen their role as influencers of their organizational culture.

martes, 7 de julio de 2020

La Pandemia Demuestra que los Millennials Tenían Razon

Una de las enseñanzas que dejará la pandemia será la revalorización de los millennials, su forma de ver el mundo y trabajar.  En general, as Pymes que dieron lugar a los millennials, hoy están en mejores condiciones competitivas que aquellas que prefirieron ignorarlos. 

woman works on computer
For small business owners, the pandemic proves it: millennials were right
For years, many business owners my age – in our 50s, which by some accounts is about the average age of the typical US business owner – have complained about the younger, millennial generation.

lunes, 6 de julio de 2020

Claves de los Econsistemas Emprendedores

La recuperación post-crisis COVID-10 requerirá de la creación de muchas nuevas empresas. Entonces, es válido preguntarse cuales son las claves que generan, en ciertas geografías, las condiciones ideales para la generación de nuevos emprendimientos. Un conjunto de factores institucionales, educativos, tecnológico y redes de soporte contribuyen a definir esas locaciones amigables para la generación de emprendimientos. ¿Existen en Argentina esas condiciones?

Photo:Council Post: Startup Culture Geography: What's Changing?
The phenomenon of startup culture has transformed local economies and driven innovation. However, it's more localized than it may seem at first glance. The geography of startup culture reveals that in certain locations, the right mix of conditions produces a large share of innovation and entrepreneurial growth. As global economies shift because of the Covid-19 pandemic, these local startup hubs will also morph.

viernes, 3 de julio de 2020

Testimonio: Como Trabajar la Cultura Organizacional Durante la Crisis

Las empresas que tienen una cultura empresarial bien definida y sostenida serán las que sobrevivan a la crisis de COVID-19. Desarrollar la cultura es un tema complejo pero que "hace la diferencia", como testimonia este dueño de una cadena de pizzerías.

Nick BogaczCompany Culture: Defining, Building and Maintaining It During a Crisis
With the attention we pay to "culture," you'd think we were all amateur anthropologists. But there is a reason it plays a significant role in how we think about businesses today. Identifying and understanding your business culture strengthens your company internally and externally. In fact, companies with happy employees outperform their competition by 20%.

jueves, 2 de julio de 2020

La Soledad del Nº 1

Casi todos los números 1 de las pymes se encuentran solos a la hora de tomar decisiones y eso afecta la calidad de las mismas. De allí la importancia de formar redes de pares, cosa que saben bien los miembros Vistage.

Lost at sea in row boat surrounded by sharks looking for a preyWhy Loneliness Is A Problem For Leaders And What To Do About It
The phrase “lonely at the top” may be true but it is also fatalistic. Some may think that loneliness is the price of success for those who achieve a significant role, recognition or financial reward. Leaders themselves may think that loneliness is an unalterable condition they must endure. Well-intended advice to increase social contact seems logical since it is often assumed that loneliness stems from being alone or being the “only one.” However, the most important factor in loneliness is not the number or frequency of contacts, but a lack of meaningful connection with other people.

miércoles, 1 de julio de 2020

Y si el aislamiento durase 3 años ...

El resurgimiento de nuevas olas de COVID-19 parece indicar que no debemos soñar con volver a la vieja normalidad. Tenemos ante nosotros una transición larga e impredecible. Nuestros negocios deben tomar este hecho en cuenta y debemos repensar nuestras estrategias para sobrevivir.

louisiana new orleans coronavirus reopening restaurant barSkyrocketing infections and an impending second wave of shutdowns proves that reopening the economy won't save the restaurant industry
When Georgia Governor Brian Kemp announced he'd allow restaurants to reopen on April 27, over 120 Atlanta restaurant owners united to commit to remaining closed, saying it was far too soon to reopen...
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martes, 30 de junio de 2020

7 Verdades Sobre el Liderazgo

El liderazgo es una construcción permanente, que supone aprendizaje, reflexión y experimentación constante. Este artículo sirve para la reflexión, aun cuando yo reescribiría su tercera recomendación.

7 Brutal Truths About Leadership Not Too Many People Want to Hear7 Brutal Truths About Leadership Not Too Many People Want to Hear
Poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou famously stated, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."  Starting on the journey toward great leadership demands having to face some brutal truths about what truly defines leadership success. However, it may not be what you want to hear (or read).
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lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Repensar la Transformación Digital

La crisis del COVID-19 amplió una brecha de desempeño entre las empresas que venían invirtiendo en tecnología y las rezagadas. Una interesante investigación de Accenture, realizada a fines de 2019 midió las diferencias en la adopción de tecnología digital y los resultados relativos. Hoy la brecha de desempeño se está agravando y los rezagados deben adoptar nuevos enfoques para que la brecha no se convierta en un abismo.

Accenture's CEO: 5 rules for rethinking digital transformation during COVID-19
Almost overnight, the COVID-19 crisis widened a performance gap—between those organizations that invested in technology innovation at scale before the pandemic and those that did not—into a chasm. The challenge now is how to accelerate this kind of digital change during a crisis, even as many are slipping behind. To persevere and prevail, companies of all sizes across industries will need to employ a new strategy and mindset.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

El Futuro del Marketing: B2R2C

El Internet de las cosas coloca entre el consumidor y el mercado a la inteligencia artificial. En la medida que las decisiones de compra pasen a estar arbitradas por los robots el marketing tengra que ajustarse a operar con este nuevo canal. Será el tiempo del "business to robot to consumer" (B2R2C). Hoy es un tema de especulación teórica, pero mañana ...

Robot Holding Shopping Cart With Cardboard BoxesMarketing To Robots: Why CMOs Need To Start Thinking About Business To Robot To Consumer (B2R2C)
Will you be selling and marketing to robots in the future? Most people would laugh at the idea, but with global spending on robots expected to reach $241.4 billion by 2023, per IDC, and major tech players investing heavily in voice, AR & VR, the possibility might not be too far off in the future.

jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Hacia Nuevas Experiencias en Retail

Mientras muchos esperan que pase la pandemía para volver a sus prácticas comerciales habituales, el mundo del retail está cambiando dramáticamente y para siempre. Quienes se preparen para volver al pasado no tienen futuro ...

What Will the Retail Experience of the Future Look Like?
The world’s retailers face a host of challenges. Even before the pandemic, many brick-and-mortar retailers were struggling. Now, as we emerge from the liminal space of nationwide lockdowns into new psychological and social territory, shoppers will be anxious about whether visiting stores will increase their exposure to the virus. Adding to the complexity: The United States is now officially in a recession, which will dampen consumer spending for months to come.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020

Gestionando las Emociones de Tu Equipo

Luego de 3 meses de cuarentena nuestras emociones y la de nuestros colaboradores flaquean y, consecuentemente, tambien nuestra energía y la de nuestros equipos.  En este contexto se hace necesario trabajar las emociones propias y de nuestros equipos para mantener los máximos niveles de energía.

Hand Changing with smile emoticon icons face on Wooden Cube, hand flipping unhappy turning to happy symbolThree Tools To Manage Emotions In Your Team
So many of us are yearning for this sense of safety. Yet it feels as elusive as ever. As much as we would like, emotional processing doesn’t have a timetable for ourselves or others. Many of us are tempted to deny our own emotions.

martes, 23 de junio de 2020

Balanceando las Inteligencias Analítica y Emocional

En tiempos de pandemia, los líderes empresarios no sólo comparten las mismas emociones (incertidumbre, angustias, etc.) de sus colaboradores sino que tambien deben mantener una actividad analítica para preservar a sus organizaciones. Hoy, mas que nunca, los líderes deben combinar sus capacidades analíticas con un grado de empatía hacia sus colaboradores. Los estudios neurocientificos plantean que estas dos actividades, que parecen antagónicas, deben combinarse y aportan algunas pistas sobre como hacerlo.

The Best Managers Balance Analytical and Emotional Intelligence
These are extremely challenging times. We are in the midst of a global pandemic with the numbers infected by the coronavirus in the millions and deaths in the hundreds of thousands. Because of the corresponding economic shutdown, many businesses are closing their doors permanently. In the U.S., we are experiencing unemployment levels not seen since the Great Depression. On top of all of this, streets are filled with protesters crying out for justice after yet another unarmed black man, George Floyd, was killed at the hands of the police, seen in its entirety in a shocking nine minute video viewed all over the world.

lunes, 22 de junio de 2020

Como Negociar Virtualmente

En los últimos meses, nos hemos visto obligados a encarar todas nuestras negociaciones de modo remoto. Esto supone un cambio dramático en procesos clave de negocios. Es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre la experiencia en vista a aprender y mejorar esta capacidad.

How to Negotiate — Virtually
For the past few months, almost all negotiations have been occurring virtually. But even before Covid-19, an increasing number of dealmakers were connecting through digital tools.  Video technologies, low-cost teleconferencing, and email have all become efficient ways for teams to prepare together and to negotiate with counterparts.

viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

Liderazgo de Crisis

El liderazgo para tiempos de COVID-19 requiere un conjunto de capacidades adicionales a las que ponderábamos en tiempos de "normalidad". La "contención" o "sostenimiento" de los colaboradores pasa a ocupar un papel clave.

The Psychology Behind Effective Crisis Leadership
When I ask groups of managers what makes a good leader, I seldom have to wait long before someone says, “Vision!” and everyone nods. I have asked that question countless times for the past 20 years, to cohorts of senior executives, middle managers, and young students from many different sectors, industries, backgrounds, and countries.

jueves, 18 de junio de 2020

Hacia las "Oficinas Saludables"

La nueva normalidad incluira el concepto de oficinas saludables. Se trata de exigencias para unos, pero de oportunidades de negocios para otros. 

What Makes an Office Building "Healthy"
The pandemic spawned by the novel coronavirus has forced a global reckoning with the awesome power of infectious diseases to grind economies to a halt. The forced lockdowns and retreat into home isolation has also given us a heightened awareness of the role our surroundings play in our health and wellbeing.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

Inteligencia Emocional para Tiempos de Crisis

En épocas de crisis, más que nunca, los líderes deben estar atentos, cuidar y desarrollar las competencias que dan sustento a la propia inteligencia emocional. 

NBC "The Office" with Steve Carrell as Michael ScottHarvard researcher says the most emotionally intelligent people have these 12 traits. Which do you have?
What makes someone great at their job? Having knowledge, smarts and vision, to be sure. But what really distinguishes the world’s most successful leaders is emotional intelligence — or the ability to identify and monitor emotions (of their own and of others).

martes, 16 de junio de 2020

Hacia la Nueva Normalidad para las Empresas

Tanto en lo personal como en lo laboral, estamos en una transición hacia una nueva normalidad. Hemos asumido los cambios con un sentido heroíco durante la transición pero se acerca la etapa de rediseñar la nueva normalidad, lo que no dejará de ser traumático.

John Winsor Open Assembly Future of WorkChange Is The New Normal: What Are Organizations Abandoning Since COVID-19 And What Will They Not Continue To Do Once Things Return To 'Normal?'
We may all come out of the COVID-19 experience with some form of PTSD and loneliness and burnout, all of which are things that we used to address or face or handle on our own, but with no outlets in the form of gyms or faith groups or other sources of relief or comfort, a lot of the healing and handling has to be done online.”

lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

La amenaza del oportunismo

Muchas empresas han aprovechado la pandemia para incorporar nuevos negocios. Esta estrategia de sobrevivencia puede rendir frutos durante la crisis, pero puede amenazar el éxito de la empresa en un lapso mayor. La pérdida de foco, puede debilitar las ventajas competitivas de la empresa y encarrilarla hacia el fracaso.

Don't Let Opportunism Compromise Your Corporate Mission
As we come out of the pandemic, chasing any opportunity will obviously be a temptation for many cash-hungry businesses. But be careful. That way lies ruin. You don’t want to go out of business just as work picks up. Now’s the time to clarify your mission statement for the resurgence that lies ahead.

viernes, 12 de junio de 2020

Claves para la Sucesión en las Empresas Familiares

La sucesión en las empresas familiares es uno de los grandes desafios de una gran proporción de las empresas argentina. No hay recetas generales, ni soluciones mágicas. Cada familia empresaria debe transitar este proceso de acuerdo a sus propias caracterísitcas y personalidad de los involucrados. Pero siempre hay algunos principios que deben ser observados para llevar el proceso a buen puerto.

The Key to Successful Succession Planning for Family Businesses
The succession process is one of the biggest challenges facing family firms, as most fail to remain a family business past the second generation. Among those that do succeed, a key concern is how nonfamily personnel will receive a successor. Perceptions of nepotism in succession can undermine nonfamily employee commitment to the business and their continued participation in the firm.