jueves, 13 de agosto de 2020

Tiempos de Pandemia: Ideales Para Emprender

A diferencia de lo que el sentido común pareciera sugerir, hay quienes piensan que las crisis como la actual son momentos ideal para lanzar nuevas empresas al mercado.

The pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do nowThe pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do nowThe pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do nowThe pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do
 The pandemic is a great time to start a business. Here are 3 things to do nowPersonally, I don’t think there’s ever a “right time” to start a business. If you look at the last big financial recession, a lot of powerful companies came out of the housing crisis of 2008, and a lot of powerful companies failed. And if you compare that to two or so years ago, when the economy was arguably the best it has ever been, there were companies that raised tons of money and went on to be very successful, and there were also companies that raised tons of money and completely bombed.
Leer en: https://www.fastcompany.com/90524092/the-pandemic-is-a-great-time-to-start-a-business-here-are-3-things-to-do-now

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