viernes, 26 de junio de 2020

El Futuro del Marketing: B2R2C

El Internet de las cosas coloca entre el consumidor y el mercado a la inteligencia artificial. En la medida que las decisiones de compra pasen a estar arbitradas por los robots el marketing tengra que ajustarse a operar con este nuevo canal. Será el tiempo del "business to robot to consumer" (B2R2C). Hoy es un tema de especulación teórica, pero mañana ...

Robot Holding Shopping Cart With Cardboard BoxesMarketing To Robots: Why CMOs Need To Start Thinking About Business To Robot To Consumer (B2R2C)
Will you be selling and marketing to robots in the future? Most people would laugh at the idea, but with global spending on robots expected to reach $241.4 billion by 2023, per IDC, and major tech players investing heavily in voice, AR & VR, the possibility might not be too far off in the future.

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