El World Economic Forum alerta sobre la importancia de proteger a las empresas nuevas durante la pandemia. Son estas las empresas que permitiran crear empleao, generar riqueza y aspirar a la prosperidad. Algunos líderes visionarios lo percibieron y se encuentran apoyando a empresas locales y atrayendo empresarios de otros países. Otros gobernantes se empeñan en poner obstáculos a las empresas. Los resultados se veraán en el mediano plazo.
Why it is vital to protect start-ups during COVID-19
Start-ups have emerged as key drivers of economic growth and job creation, and are often a catalyst for radical innovation. Young firms account for about 20% of employment but create almost half of new jobs on average across OECD countries (OECD 2016), and innovation by young firms contributes significantly to aggregate productivity growth, accounting for half of it in the US (Klenow and Li 2020).
Leerlo en: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/start-ups-covid-coronavirus-small-businesses-new-economics-growth

Start-ups have emerged as key drivers of economic growth and job creation, and are often a catalyst for radical innovation. Young firms account for about 20% of employment but create almost half of new jobs on average across OECD countries (OECD 2016), and innovation by young firms contributes significantly to aggregate productivity growth, accounting for half of it in the US (Klenow and Li 2020).
Leerlo en: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/start-ups-covid-coronavirus-small-businesses-new-economics-growth
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