Meses atrás se señalaba la política sueca frente al COVID como un ejemplo negativo de lo que debía hacerse. Sin embargo, ahora, empiezan a aparecer análisis que muestrán el éxito de Suecia en la gestión de la pandemia.
Sweden's COVID-19 strategy is already paying off
There are lots of different ways of measuring the terrible state of the global economy. The collapse in overall output. The fall in trade as ports and airports empty. The trillions printed by central banks, and the soaring price of gold as investors lose faith in a recovery. But one is surely this: keeping the drop in GDP in single digits actually looks pretty good.
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There are lots of different ways of measuring the terrible state of the global economy. The collapse in overall output. The fall in trade as ports and airports empty. The trillions printed by central banks, and the soaring price of gold as investors lose faith in a recovery. But one is surely this: keeping the drop in GDP in single digits actually looks pretty good.
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