sábado, 18 de julio de 2015

El Sindrome de Popeye: Cuando el Ego es Mayor que el Cerebro.

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Hay ejecutivos que no son coacheables. Este artículo habla de algunos de ellos.

 Are You A Coachable Leader?

Resultado de imagen para popeyebusiness2community.com - Recently, I had a conversation with an executive coach who was new to the business and I asked her a pointed question; "What is your rate of success with coaching managers?" This new consultant immediately shot back, "100 percent successful. Every person I coach benefits and succeeds from my expertise." After 25 years of being an executive coach, I had three thoughts; one, my track record sucks. Two, her clientele must be exclusively comprised of managers who are facing no challenges and are on the fast track to success. Or three, she's lying.

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