viernes, 10 de julio de 2015

Which Of These 4 Leadership Styles Are You?

Hay estilos de liderazgo que debemos conocer, sobretodo conocer nuestro propio estilo. Los estilos, en sí no garantizan, ni el éxito ni el fracaso del líder. Simplemente, nos permiten un entendimiento de nuestro relacionamiento con los equipos de trabajo y a partir de alli surgen oportunidades de mejora.

Leadership StyleWhich of These 4 Leadership Styles Are You? 
What’s your leadership style? You have a particular style, of course, but do you know what it is and how it compares to the styles of other leaders?
Over the past two decades of studying leaders, my team and I have found that there are really four fundamental leadership styles: Pragmatist, Idealist, Steward and Diplomat. Leaders can be effective or ineffective within each of these four styles, and there are a million subtle variations, but these four styles give us a way to pinpoint some major philosophical differences between leaders. (There’s a free leadership styles assessment to assess yourself.)

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