Muchos empresarios, tambien en Argentina, están cambiando sus modelos de negocios para posicionarse ante la nueva "normalidad". Cunado buscamos nuevos modelos de ingresos, partimos de preguntarnos acerca de la reconfiguración del universo de clientes y el up-grade de sus necesidades y expectativas. A partir de alli, adaptamos las propuestas de valor, que llevan inexorablemente a un nuevo modelo de negocios.
Forced to adapt, businesses rethink how they make money

Many business owners are changing the way they make money as they attempt to recoup revenue lost to the coronavirus outbreak. The
changes can look subtle; for example, when owners of clothing stores
decide to beef up their internet business. But often such adjustments
involve an entire rethinking of the business model — the blueprint that
encompasses the key aspects of running a company — with significant
changes to staffing, technology and inventory.
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