Los modelos de negocio propios del siglo XXI reposan más en el trabajo colectivo que en dominio de recursos o tecnologías. Este artículo reflexiona sobre la incidencia del desempeño de los equipos sobre el desempeño de las empresas.
Team Performance Drives Company Performance. Here are 5 Ways to Improve Yours
Over the last several decades, the nature of work for many people has shifted from assembly line manufacturing to collaborative knowledge work. We are no longer an economy driven by raw production requiring a large quantity of manual labor. We are an economy of ideas and innovation where a small team of highly skilled experts can create enormous value by leveraging technology and networks.
Leerlo en: https://www.inc.com/bruce-eckfeldt/team-performance-drives-company-performance-here-are-5-ways-to-improve-yours.html

Over the last several decades, the nature of work for many people has shifted from assembly line manufacturing to collaborative knowledge work. We are no longer an economy driven by raw production requiring a large quantity of manual labor. We are an economy of ideas and innovation where a small team of highly skilled experts can create enormous value by leveraging technology and networks.
Leerlo en: https://www.inc.com/bruce-eckfeldt/team-performance-drives-company-performance-here-are-5-ways-to-improve-yours.html
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