A la hora de colaborar en el diseño de estrategias, quienes utilizamos el modelo CANVAS apelamos al poder de lo visual, del relato y la simplicidad.
Three Ways To Create A Clear and Understandable Strategy
Imagine that you want to build a house, so you hire an architect. After a series of conversations with you, she does a preliminary sketch. “I’m thinking of a long structure, built into the hillside, facing the northeast,” she says as you look at her drawing. You like some of her ideas, but not all. So, she tears off a piece of tracing paper and starts incorporating your thoughts into her sketch. “Yes, yes,” you exclaim, “That’s much better.”Leerlo en: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidnour/2019/12/18/strategy-visualization/
Three Ways To Create A Clear and Understandable Strategy

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