miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Manual de Supervivencia para Pymes

Las Pymes se sienten en inferioridad de condiciones a la hora de competir con grandes empresas. Sin embargo, muchas de ellas han desarrollado estrategias de supervivencia exitosas a partir de modelos de negocios novedosos. De ellas aprenden otras Pymes.  
A Survival Guide for Startups in the Era of Tech Giants
Startups and established companies all face a dilemma when building new technology products.  If they hit upon something innovative that has high potential, they invite the scrutiny of large technology companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Big Tech has the money, technology, data, and talent to replicate and enhance any technological innovation that is not fully protected by patents — which encompasses most digital products.
Leerlo en: https://hbr.org/2020/02/a-survival-guide-for-startups-in-the-era-of-tech-giants

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