No sabemos cual será el impacto final de corona virus sobre nuestras vidas, pero si sabemos que en los próximos meses estará en el centro de las preocupaciones de nuestras familias y empleados. Los lideres empresarios deben ir previendo las acciones que tomarán y liderando la comunicación (interna y externa), así como los ajustes operativos que serán necesarios.
How is Your Company Handling the Coronavirus? There's 1 Important Thing All Leaders Can Do |
It's all over the news. A potential pandemic. What's the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? We have all probably googled more in the past week or two than in recent memory for the purpose of pure learning.
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It's all over the news. A potential pandemic. What's the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? We have all probably googled more in the past week or two than in recent memory for the purpose of pure learning.
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