viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

¿Como Lidiamos con el Corona Virus dentro de la Empresa?

No sabemos cual será el impacto final de corona virus sobre nuestras vidas, pero si sabemos que en los próximos meses estará en el centro de las preocupaciones de nuestras familias y empleados. Los lideres empresarios deben ir previendo las acciones que tomarán y liderando la comunicación (interna y externa), así como los ajustes operativos que serán necesarios.

How is Your Company Handling the Coronavirus? There's 1 Important Thing All Leaders Can Do |
It's all over the news. A potential pandemic. What's the difference between an epidemic and a pandemic? We have all probably googled more in the past week or two than in recent memory for the purpose of pure learning.
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jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020

Preparándonos para la Pandemia

En otras partes del mundo las personas, las familias y las empresas se están preparando para la llegada del corona virús. ¿Como nos estamos preparándo nosotros? ¿Como el avestruz?,ar_16:9,c_fill,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto,fl_lossy/wp-cms/uploads/2020/02/p-1-90468382-how-to-prepare-for-a-pandemic.jpgHow to prepare your home, your workplace, and yourself for a pandemicHow to prepare your home, your workplace, and yourself for a pandemicHow to prepare your home, your workplace, and yourself for a pandemicHow to prepare your home, your workplace, and yourself for a pandemic
Roughly a month after China launched the largest quarantine in human history, with more than 700 million people under full or partial lockdown as of last week, in an attempt at containment of the new coronavirus, the virus is now quickly spreading in other countries, including South Korea and Italy...
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miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Manual de Supervivencia para Pymes

Las Pymes se sienten en inferioridad de condiciones a la hora de competir con grandes empresas. Sin embargo, muchas de ellas han desarrollado estrategias de supervivencia exitosas a partir de modelos de negocios novedosos. De ellas aprenden otras Pymes.  
A Survival Guide for Startups in the Era of Tech Giants
Startups and established companies all face a dilemma when building new technology products.  If they hit upon something innovative that has high potential, they invite the scrutiny of large technology companies such as Amazon, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft. Big Tech has the money, technology, data, and talent to replicate and enhance any technological innovation that is not fully protected by patents — which encompasses most digital products.
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jueves, 13 de febrero de 2020

10 Ingredientes Esenciales para el Diseño Estratégico

Una visión particular de este autor plantea 10 elementos que, para su juicio, son escenciales a la hora de formular la estrategia corporativa. Interesante para discutir con si con estos 10 elementos se diseñan estratégicas y cmo deben ser articulados entre si.

The 10 Ingredients That Every Strategy Should Have
uncaptionedIn a recent post, I asked the overly pretentious question "What Does Strategy Really Mean?" and I answered this question by giving the following definition: an organization’s strategy is its unique way of sustainable value creation. This definition tells you that a strategy explains how an organization creates value for its customers in a way that is distinct from its competitors, and so that it can maintain this for a while.
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Construyendo Músculos para la Transformación

En una economía que exige la transformación permanente de las propuestas de valor, es vital contar con capacidades organizacionales que faciliten esta acción.Esté articula habla del desarrollo de  "músculos" necesarios para lograrlo.

Building Transformation "Muscle"

exhibit-jpegIs your business ready to transform? It better be. Think Borders Books, Blockbuster, Circuit City; these are vivid reminders that companies that fail to transform their business models in the face of new innovations and increased competition are dead in the water.

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miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020

Las Decisiones de los Más Exitosos

Un estudio de la Universidad Comumbia indica que todos enfrentamos diariamente un cúmulo enorme de decisiones y que quienes son más exitosos son aquellos quiens asumen ciertas rutinas o criterios para su resolución.

How successful people make smart decisions
article-imageYour days are filled with a constant stream of decisions. A study from Columbia University found that we’re bogged down by a good 70 decisions a day. Some decisions are minor, like what to eat, which route to drive to work, or in what order to tackle tasks. Others are more difficult, like deciding between two job offers, whether to move to a new city for someone you love, or whether to cut a toxic person out of your life.
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martes, 11 de febrero de 2020

Como Diseñar una Estrategia Clara y Entendible

A la hora de colaborar en el diseño de estrategias, quienes utilizamos el modelo CANVAS apelamos al poder de lo visual, del relato y la simplicidad.

Three Ways To Create A Clear and Understandable Strategy
Nour Group approach to strategy visualization Imagine that you want to build a house, so you hire an architect. After a series of conversations with you, she does a preliminary sketch. “I’m thinking of a long structure, built into the hillside, facing the northeast,” she says as you look at her drawing. You like some of her ideas, but not all. So, she tears off a piece of tracing paper and starts incorporating your thoughts into her sketch. “Yes, yes,” you exclaim, “That’s much better.”Leerlo en:

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2020

El Sindrome del Gerente Ausente

En el extremo opuesto de los gerentes controladores aparecen los gerentes ausentes. Muchas veces trabajando con sucesores de empresas familiares encontramos esta figura.  Si bien este artículo focaliza en la situación del colaborador dependiente del gerente ausente, nuestra misión como coaches o mentores pasar por colaborar en la resolución de este problema.

How to deal with a manager who doesn’t manageHow to deal with a manager who doesn't manage,ar_16:9,c_fill,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto,fl_lossy/wp-cms/uploads/2019/11/p-1-absentee-boss.jpgIf your current boss is overly controlling or micromanages you, having a boss who leaves you alone and lets you do what you want might sound heavenly. But my experience coaching senior leaders with absentee bosses (and research on the topic) says otherwise. An absentee boss can lead to feelings of alienation, job dissatisfaction, and stress.
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viernes, 7 de febrero de 2020

4 Técnicas Para Transformar el Fracaso en Fortalezas

El fracaso es una experiencia traumática y muchas veces desvastadora. Pero tambien puede ser utilizado para fortalecernos y permitirnos alcanzar el éxito. Hay técnicas concretas para lograrlo. 

mantinov / Shutterstock4 Techniques Everyone Should Learn to Transform Their Failures into Strengths
 There are only two outcomes to an endeavor: succeed or fail. Get what you worked for and you’re a success. Fall short of that, and you’re a failure. We think about these two outcomes as if they were binary.
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jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

Resiliencia: El Factor que Hace la Diferencia

Los empresarios argentinos conocen mejor que nadie, el valor de la resiliencia como factor de éxito. No obstante, aqui va una magnífica reflexión sobre esta capacidad crítica.

There are strategies that can help you to cultivate resilience and achieve career success.Why Resilience Can Make Or Break Your Career
 According to the American Psychological Association, resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or even significant sources of risk. In simple terms, we might describe resilience as the ability to bounce back when something goes wrong rather than crack under pressure.
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miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2020

Cambio de Ambiente para Modificar Hábitos

¿Estas pensando en cambiar alguno de tus comportamientos o hábitos?. Este artículo te ayudará a remover obstáculos y generar incentivos.

Want to Change Your Behavior? Make These 2 Changes to Your Environment First
 In full disclosure, I've got quite a few behaviors I'd like to change--I like to down French fries when I'm stressed out, for example. And since you're human like me, I'm guessing you've got some areas you'd like to tackle, too. You also might need to initiate change within your team to keep your company competitive in a rapidly shifting market.

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martes, 4 de febrero de 2020

El Mentor y el Desarrollo Personal

Muchos jovenes ejecutivos o sucesores de empresas familiares pueden servirse de mentores para acelerar su crecimiento profesional.

Grow faster, move faster: Why you need a mentor
 “Networking is great, but networking is more meet-and-greet and mentoring is more deep-advisory,” Snavely continued. “Those are two different things when it comes to your personal development."
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lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020

El Desempeño de los Equipos Define el Desempeño de las Organizaciones

Los modelos de negocio propios del siglo XXI reposan más en el trabajo colectivo que en dominio de recursos o tecnologías. Este artículo reflexiona sobre la incidencia del desempeño de los equipos sobre el desempeño de las empresas.

Team Performance Drives Company Performance. Here are 5 Ways to Improve Yours
 Over the last several decades, the nature of work for many people has shifted from assembly line manufacturing to collaborative knowledge work. We are no longer an economy driven by raw production requiring a large quantity of manual labor. We are an economy of ideas and innovation where a small team of highly skilled experts can create enormous value by leveraging technology and networks.
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