miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2019

Las PyMES Generan Mas Empleo Que Las Grandes Empresas

En realidad no es ningun secreto que las PyMES generan más empleo que las grandes corporaciones, tanto en USA como en Argentina. Pero siempre es útil conocer detalles de esta realidad. Sirve para valorar el carácter estratégico de las Pymes y el esfuerzo heroíco de los pequeños y medianos empresarios. 
The glass architecture of the National Security Sciences Building at Los Alamos National Laboratory is a great reflector of the coming weather. The Laboratory is well-known for its role in creating the atomic bomb, which was tested at the Trinity Site in White Sands, New Mexico, then dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan to help end World War II. This particular building on the Laboratory grounds houses research archives.Small Business Are Having A Bigger Impact On Job Creation Than Large Corporations
Last Friday’s announcement that the United States unemployment rate is down to 3.9% is great news for the American economy.  In addition to the national unemployment rate being at its lowest since 1969, only seven states have unemployment rates above 4.6% - the number used by economists to measure “full employment”.
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