No es automático el transofrmar las crisis en oportunidades. Pero hay ciertos caminos para lograrlo.
How to Find Opportunity Within a Crisis
As people worldwide adjust to the sudden, drastic changes in life brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, companies are having to adjust, too. Many reach out to their customers with emails containing general wishes for health and safety or offers of discounts. But many companies are instead embodying the spirit of the Chinese word for "crisis." The word, 危机 (wéijī), is composed of two different words: "danger" and "opportunity." Inside every crisis is danger, but also opportunity for creativity, resilience, and connection.
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As people worldwide adjust to the sudden, drastic changes in life brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, companies are having to adjust, too. Many reach out to their customers with emails containing general wishes for health and safety or offers of discounts. But many companies are instead embodying the spirit of the Chinese word for "crisis." The word, 危机 (wéijī), is composed of two different words: "danger" and "opportunity." Inside every crisis is danger, but also opportunity for creativity, resilience, and connection.
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