viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Como Volverte Indispensable para tus Clientes

Todos enfrentamos el desafío de ser relevantes para nuestros clientes a partir de nuestro trabajo. Ciertas prácticas pueden ayudarnos a conseguirlo.

How to Become Indispensable to Your ClientsHow to Become Indispensable to Your Clients
Today's events are unprecedented and challenging for everyone. However, there's always a lesson to be learned. It seems that just about every day we hear about the "essentials" in terms of businesses that can continue to operate. This got me thinking about what it means to become indispensable to our clients, employers, families and friends during difficult times. Why? No one likes the alternative -- losing clients or losing your job.
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jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

10 Consejos para un e-Commerce Efectivo

En épocas en las que nos orientamos masivamente al e-commerce, conviene tener en claro ciertos consejos sobre "que hacer" y "que no hacer" en las redes.

#10 Dos and Don'ts for Entrepreneurs to Make Their E-commerce Business Lucrative#10 Dos and Don'ts for Entrepreneurs to Make Their E-commerce Business Lucrative
The global pandemic became a gamechanger for entrepreneurs who for the longest time were staying away from the virtual world.  One thing noticeable was how the outbreak changed the dynamics of buying & selling. The E-commerce sector became a severe victim of the same due to the lockdown. Low sales numbers, uncertainty of money, many e-commerce businesses perished and some were forced to witness massive lay-offs.

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Enseñanzas de los Navy SEALs para Empresarios

Los Navy SEAL son un cuerpo de elite al que se le asigna las tareas más extremas, de alli su formación especializada, tanto en destrezas físicas como mentales. Algunas de esas destrezas mentales pueden ser copiadas por los empresarios para cumplir su misión en estos tiempos de crisis.

Four Navy SEAL Tactics to Think Clearly in a Crisis
Four Navy SEAL Tactics to Think Clearly in a Crisis
Business owners can apply SEAL training to build the mental discipline to survive and thrive in the coronavirus crisis.  For insight, I held a zoom interview with former Navy SEAL Mark Divine, who wrote a new book called Staring Down the Wolf. The "wolf" is a metaphor for fear, all of the deeply engrained negative emotions that hold you back.

martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

Estrategias Militares para que las Empresas Sobrevivan a la Pandemia

Quienes han tenido formación militar fueron entrenados para enfrentar situación extremas en las cuales se deben alcanzar objetivos minimizando las pérdidas. Esa formación volcada a los negocios en tiempos de pandemia, puede orientan ciertas prácticas de gestión de crisis que vale tener en consideración.

Business Owners Can Survive the Pandemic by Using a Military Mass Casualty StrategyBusiness Owners Can Survive the Pandemic by Using a Military Mass Casualty Strategy
Many entrepreneurs are suddenly worried about the future of their businesses. They feel pressure from the invoices piling up or don’t know what steps to take next. Actually, you can take action within the hour to save your and come out on top by employing an emergency principle we learned as combat veterans in the military, and we use every single day to save businesses.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Liderazgo en Busca del Equilibrio

En tiempos dificiles existe la tendencia de ver todo negro. Sin embargo, sabemos que a los ciclos de vacas flacas lo siguen ciclos de vacas gordas. Todo líder empresario debe mantener el equilibrio y sacar a su equipo de la zona de pesimismo.

To Persevere, Focus on Balance Instead of SuccessTo Persevere, Focus on Balance Instead of Success
Business owners have a bad habit, one the
y unknowingly slip into all too often: the habit of getting stuck at extremes. When times are good, it's easy to slide into the belief that conditions will stay that way, that the sky will forever be blue. But hunkering down in the other direction turns out to be just as easy, slogging through tough days as though the clouds won't lift and the sky above will evermore stay dark.

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020

Los 7 Hábitos de Stephen Covey Frente a la Crisis

Los 7 Hábitos de las Personas Altamente Efectivas, de Stephen R. Covey, fue nombrado el libro de negocios más influyente del siglo XX. Hoy frente a la crisis del COVID-19 la obra de Covey mantiene su vigencia.

How Stephen Covey's 'The 7 Habits' Guides Leaders in Times of Challenge and Uncertainty
How Stephen Covey's 'The 7 Habits' Guides Leaders in Times of Challenge and Uncertainty
In a time of great uncertainty and rapid change, organizations, teams, and employees are simply trying to survive. The need for effective leadership has never been greater.

viernes, 22 de mayo de 2020

Liderando Durante y Luego de la Pandemia

Mientras transitamos las primeras fases de la pandemia, muchos líderes ya están pensando como transitarán las etapas siguientes.  Se trata de liderar a sus equipos en una nueva realidad, con alta incertidumbre, cambios entre los participantes de cada industria y mercados con nuevas y mayores exigencias.

Lead Your Team Into a Post-Pandemic World
During the Covid-19 crisis, I’ve spoken with many CEOs who have shared that a key priority for them, naturally, has been the safety and well-being of their employees. And there are many examples of inspiring actions taken by CEOs and companies in support of their employees. But as we’ve come to recognize that this crisis will last more than a few short weeks, companies are now defining their approach for the long haul.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020

Cultura Organizacional Alineada con Valores de los Colaboradores

Las nuevas generaciones de empleados han impulsado la valoración de la cultura organizacional. Hoy es imperativo, y no opcional, que los líderes definan y alimenten culturas organizacionales alineadas con los valores de sus miembros. No es una tarea fácil, pero es ineludible. 

Build a Culture That Aligns with People's Values
Candidates are seeking workplaces where they can intertwine their beliefs with those of the company, and work together on a common vision of purpose and success. As leaders grapple with how to recruit top candidates and retain employees, they must rethink how they’re shaping and building a culture that unites people around a common cause. Great culture should provide continuous alignment to the vision, purpose, and goals of the organization.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Alimentando la Cultura Organizacional en "Modo Remoto"

Hoy los líderes tienen obstáculos para ajustar y mantener la cultura de sus organizaciones, por causa del aislamiento social y del trabajo remoto. Sin embargo, hay algunos tips útiles que les servirán para alimentar las creencias y valores que componen la cultura de tu organización, sobretodo en estos tiempos de crisis.

Creative Ways to Build a Strong Company Culture RemotelyCreative Ways to Build a Strong Company Culture Remotely
When I started Zen Media as a fully remote company 11 years ago, the whole idea of not working in an office almost seemed to be otherworldly in the eyes of many. People would ask me, "Where's your office?" I'd reply with, "In the cloud." And they'd inevitably say, "Oh, is that uptown?"

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

¿Cual es la Gran Historia Detrás de Tu Marca?

No basta ofrecer un buen producto, el consumidor necesita una gran historia detrás del mismo para decidir elegirlo. Frecuentemente, minimizamos el valor de la comunicación y pagamos las consecuencias perdiendo oportunidades.

Why Every Product Needs a Great Brand StoryWhy Every Product Needs a Great Brand Story
A good brand story has the magic to grab people's attention and impose upon them a reason to covet your body shampoo, to make it stand out from a sea of other body shampoos with a catechism that evokes a halo of meaning and purpose around your product as memorable as anything you'll see at the corner cineplex.

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Preparando Tu Empresa para la Post-Pandemia

Hoy, la agenda de los empresarios debe estar orientada a preparar a sus organizaciones para afrontar la "nueva realidad" post-COVID19. Para ayudarlos en esa labor utilizamos diferentes herramientas, algunas similares a las que se mencionan en este artículo.

Preparing Your Business for a Post-Pandemic World
Along with the severe health and humanitarian crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, executives around the world face enormous business challenges: the collapse of customer demand, significant regulatory modifications, supply chain interruptions, unemployment, economic recession, and increased uncertainty. And like the health and humanitarian sides of the crisis, the business side needs ways to recover. Ad hoc responses won’t work; organizations must lay the groundwork for their recoveries now.

viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020

A Partir de Ahora Toda Empresa Se Conviertirá en Empresa Digital de Salud

La vuelta al trabajo exige una "nueva normalidad", la cual no esta definida aún, pero sabemos que debe incluir mayores niveles de digitalización y cuidado de la salud de empleados, clientes y proveedores.  La nueva normalidad se está definiendo ahora y es positivo ser protagonista en ese diseño.

From now on, ev,ar_16:9,c_fill,g_auto,f_auto,q_auto,fl_lossy/wp-cms/uploads/2020/05/p-1-from-now-on-every-company-must-become-a-digital-health-company.jpgery company must become a digital health company
No matter how much time you’ve spent thinking through the future of work, it’s time to rethink the future all over again. In my scenario planning, I didn’t account for a world that would require overnight support for a remote workforce, new spaces that promote physical distancing, rotating shifts to minimize contact between people, or the provision of onsite medical testing as a result of a global pandemic. But here we are.

jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

¿Tengo Vida Mas Alla del Trabajo?

¿En quien me he convertido? Es una pregunta que muchos se hacen en estos tiempos de distanciamiento social, en el que verificamos como el trabajo y sus responsabilidads nos han alejado de amigos y circulos de interés empobreciendo nuestra vida. Es una buena oportunidad para repensar quienes queremos ser y como queremos balancear la relación del trabajo con otros planos de la vida.

Do You Have a Life Outside of Work?

“I had a business trip cancelled and free time out of nowhere. I went home on a beautiful summer day and as I pulled into my driveway realized my family was scattered doing their things and that I had no friends to reach out to or hobbies that I had once loved. I sat in the car for more than an hour thinking about how I had gotten to that point.”

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

La Transformación Digital Depende Mas del Talento que de la Tecnología

En plena aceleración de la transformación digital es clave reconocer que -a diferencia de lo que la mayoría cree- su principal factor de éxito se asocia más al talento de las personas y que a la incorporación de tecnología. Podemos invertir mucho en nuevas tecnologías pero es la capacidad de adaptarnos a un futuro más digital es clave para sacar valor de esa inversión.

Digital Transformation Is About Talent, Not Technology
As The Economist recently noted, one of the most obvious consequences of the current Covid-19 pandemic will be “the infusion of data-enabled services into ever more aspects of life.” We expect digital transformation to be an even bigger imperative for organizations in the short-term future.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

En Tiempos de Crisis los Ecosistemas Empresarios Aportan Ventajas Competitivas

En tiempos de crisis, pertenecer a un ecosistema empresario aporta ventajas competitivas. Este artículo de Harvard Business Review lo ejemplifica a través de holdings asiáticos. Sin embargo, hay ecosistemas para Pymes, como comunidades empresariales como Vistage, que tambien aportan esas ventajas competitivas en tiempos de crisis.

In a Crisis, Ecosystem Businesses Have a Competitive Advantage
Most companies cannot quickly change their business model to open up new revenue streams. Different firm activities are interlocked with one another via standard procedures. There’s a high cost to switching internal operations. The result is like a pyramid: sturdy and impressive, but rigid and brittle

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Oportunidad Unica: Incorporar Talento a Nuestras Empresas

Hoy el mercado lo laboral ofrece a nuestras empresas una oportunidad unica y quizás irrepetible: incorporar talento que hoy está disponible y puede apalancar nuestro éxito en el futuro inmediato.
Now Is an Unprecedented Opportunity to Hire Great Talent
While the Covid-19 pandemic hits and reshapes companies, industries, national economies, and our society in previously unthinkable ways, business leaders need to think beyond survival to the opportunities this crisis might create, not only for their own organizations but the greater good. Chief among these is a chance to hire talented people at a time when they might have trouble finding or keeping jobs elsewhere.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Covid-19 y Oportunidad para el Marketing Orgánico

Las Pymes en general están refocalizando sus estrategias de marketing para sobrevivir en la etapa de relativo aislamiento social. Es un momento apropiado para focalizar los esfuerzos de marketing sobre la base orgánica de los clientes.

Covid-19 and the organic marketing opportunity
In recent weeks, we have all felt the impact of the global pandemic encroaching on both our personal and professional lives. With extensive measures being taken across the globe to enforce social distancing, we are all acclimatising to the new ways of working.
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jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Repensar el Modelo de Venta Directa al Consumidor

Los modelos de venta directa sufren limitaciones en tiempos de corona virus. Algunos investigadores sugieren evolucionar hacia otros modelos.

Reinventing the Direct-to-Consumer Business Model
The internet democratized the tools required to start and scale a business. Over the next two decades, a new class of startups emerged. From Warby Parker (eyeglasses) to Everlane (clothing) to Casper (mattresses) and The Honest Company (baby and beauty products), this first generation of “direct-to-consumer” (DTC) companies was defined by borrowed supply chains, web-only retail, direct distribution, social media marketing, and a specific visual brand identity (the now ubiquitous “blanding”) that favored sans-serif type, pastel color palettes, and scalable logos that were easily adapted to a variety of digital media.
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miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Falsos Profetas y las Industrias que Morirán

Descreo de las profesías sobre las industrias que moriran, pero es provocador escuchar esas profesias y aceptar que efectivamente habrán cambios y concentración en esas industrias. Pero  sobretodo habrá una transformación de las propuestas de valor que renovará a determinadas industrias.  En eso estamos trabajando juntos a empresarios Pymes de sectores amenazados.

These 4 Industries Are Going to Die
We are not going back to our old economy. It’s over. Right now, something incredibly positive is occurring in our society. It’s never happened before in world history (feel free to correct me if you can find an example).
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martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

5 Pasos Para Transmitir tu Propuesta de Valor

La crisis del COVID-19 está llevando a muchos empresarios a reformular sus propuestas de valor para adaptarse a las crecientes exigencias de sus clientes. Muchos empresarios con los que trabajamos se focalizan en mejorar la propuesta de valor, pero descuidan que sus clientes lo perciban. Cuando se subestima el valor de la comunicación, los esfuerzos en la mejora de la propuesta de valor se se diluyen y los clientes se pierden.

5 Steps to Write a Compelling Value Proposition |
Creating and distributing a product that fails to convey its value is as bad as creating a product that has none. And the effect of succinctly communicating true product value is reflected in the company's wealth -- which can subsequently be measured in revenue, users and other metrics such as market share and brand recognition.
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lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Tansformación Digital: Ahora Más que Nunca

Muchos empresarios Pymes con los que trabajo demoraron en sus procesos de transformación digital. Algunos creen que el fin del aislamiento social les permitirá neutralizar esa desventaja frente a competidores más rápidos. Sin embargo, se equivocan. La pandemia ha acelerado la necesidad de la transformación digital y la nueva "normalidad" supondrá una creciente y mejor presencia en Internet.

Why your website is more important than ever
 "I just don't have the time," or "now isn't a good time for me." These are just some of the responses that we are guilty of coming up with when we are thinking about making changes.
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viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020

Como Encontrar Oportunidades en la Crisis

No es automático el transofrmar las crisis en oportunidades. Pero hay ciertos caminos para lograrlo.

How to Find Opportunity Within a Crisis
As people worldwide adjust to the sudden, drastic changes in life brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, companies are having to adjust, too. Many reach out to their customers with emails containing general wishes for health and safety or offers of discounts. But many companies are instead embodying the spirit of the Chinese word for "crisis." The word, 危机 (wéijī), is composed of two different words: "danger" and "opportunity." Inside every crisis is danger, but also opportunity for creativity, resilience, and connection.

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