En muchas organizaciones, la cultura corporativa se trata como un problema del área de comunicación en lugar de una función de administración central. Los líderes asumen su interés por la cultura ocasionalmente, delegan el manejo de los temas y creen que con colocar cartelería y mensajes motivadores en la intranet ya mejoraron la cultura. Obviamente no entendieron nada.

The Pressing Need For Culture Management
According to economist Kevin Stiroh in Harvard Business Review, we could say the same thing about workplace culture. Stiroh is not only an economist but a bank supervisor for the Federal Reserve, so he knows a thing or two about financial management, risk and (unfortunately) misconduct

The Pressing Need For Culture Management
According to economist Kevin Stiroh in Harvard Business Review, we could say the same thing about workplace culture. Stiroh is not only an economist but a bank supervisor for the Federal Reserve, so he knows a thing or two about financial management, risk and (unfortunately) misconduct
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