recientes de la plataforma de análisis de aplicaciones App Annie
descubrieron que hay casi 3.000 aplicaciones que generan al menos $ 1
millón en ingresos por año. Eso
representa un crecimiento significativo en los últimos años, lo que
sugiere que las aplicaciones se están convirtiendo en una fuente cada
vez más viable de ingresos significativos para las empresas.
Apply These 8 Awesome Techniques to Improve Your Small Business Revenue with Apps
If you’re looking to make use of this emerging tactic, there are plenty of different ways you can go about it. Small Business Trends recently spoke with Abs Girdhar, CEO of popular app builder Appy Pie to get some expert tips and insights about how businesses can successfully make money with apps. Here are some top tips.
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If you’re looking to make use of this emerging tactic, there are plenty of different ways you can go about it. Small Business Trends recently spoke with Abs Girdhar, CEO of popular app builder Appy Pie to get some expert tips and insights about how businesses can successfully make money with apps. Here are some top tips.
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