Estamos en la "economía de la experiencia" donde como trabajadores y clientes valoramos, cada vez más, la experiencia asociada a nuestro trabajo o nuestros transacciones. Las empresas conscientes de esta oportunidad/riesgo tienen ante si estrategias posibles para diferenciarse y obtener resultados superadores.
4 Strategies Every Company Needs To Implement For Both Employee And Customer Experience
Why is it that in some companies employees are willing to go above and beyond to deliver superior customer experiences, and in other companies employees couldn't be more apathetic? It’s because when organizations invest in employee experiences it unlocks their discretionary effort to create great experiences for their, and your, customers.
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Why is it that in some companies employees are willing to go above and beyond to deliver superior customer experiences, and in other companies employees couldn't be more apathetic? It’s because when organizations invest in employee experiences it unlocks their discretionary effort to create great experiences for their, and your, customers.
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