La formación de los Navy SEAL´s aporta enseñanzas valiosas para los líderes empresarios. En materia de comunicacióin interna hay 4 factores que siempre deben considerarse.
A Navy SEAL's New Book Reveals a 4-Point Communication Plan All Leaders Should Follow
Jocko Willink spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEALs, rising through the ranks to a become a highly decorated commander. In his new book, Leadership Strategy and Tactics, Willink has written a field manual for leaders in the business world.
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Jocko Willink spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEALs, rising through the ranks to a become a highly decorated commander. In his new book, Leadership Strategy and Tactics, Willink has written a field manual for leaders in the business world.
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