miércoles, 31 de julio de 2019

Liderazgo Impulsado por Propósito

Los líderes impulsados por un propósito aprovechan las motivaciones intrínsecas dentro de ellos mismos y de quienes los rodean. Hay ciertos pasos que conducen a ese tipo de liderazgo virtuoso.
Follow these 7 steps to grow as a purpose-driven leader
Purpose-driven leaders tap into the intrinsic motivations inside themselves and those around them. According to ground-breaking research from Imperative, purpose-driven leaders are the most effective at advancing their own careers while making the world better.
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martes, 30 de julio de 2019

El Poder de las Preguntas

Interesante estudio de Harvard donde se rreafirma el poder de la formulación de preguntas, tambien como elemento que lleva a una inteligencia emocional más profunda.

Courtesy of Dmitry Guzhanin / ShutterstockHarvard Study: Doing 1 Thing Well (That Most Stink At) Will Dramatically Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
 Emotional intelligence is one of those essential business skills that can be improved merely by being intentional about it. And unlike trying to grow your analytical skills or learning to think more strategically, the hacks can be profoundly easy. Things like caring more. Having more empathy. Being more socially aware.
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lunes, 29 de julio de 2019

Construyendo Tu Marca Personal

Los pequeños empresarios, sean prestadores de servicios o productores de bienes, en general no tienen consciencia de que por acción u omisión estan creando "marca personal".  De allí la importancia de tomar consciencia y jugar bien el juego.

How to build a personal brand people will remember
Fast-forward a decade, though, and now the concept of building yourself as a “brand” on the internet is not only popular and accepted.
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jueves, 25 de julio de 2019

Coaching como Herramienta para el Cambio

Nuevos estudios corroboran lo que la práctica profesional ya experimentó. Las herramientas de coaching son esenciales para gestionarla transfoirmación organizacional.

Coaching may ease the pains of change management
  new study from the Human Capital Institute (HCI) and the International Coach Federation (ICF) reveals that less than a quarter of companies are confident in their employee's ability to manage change, but in high performing companies, confidence is higher. High performing companies are also more likely to report change initiatives meet or exceed their expectations for success.
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miércoles, 24 de julio de 2019

15 Actitudes De los Buenos Jefes

Pequeños gestos hacen la diferencia en la labor del líder a la hora de mostrar quien, es que valora, que cultura quiere desarrollar en su equipo. 
15 most meaningful gestures from bosses to their employees
In a recent interview with EntrepreneurJessica Alba remembered a valuable lesson from a former toxic boss: “Kindness goes a long way. Working with people who are condescending really limits a person’s ability to thrive. When you don’t feel heard it’s impossible to stay motivated. Having experiences with people who don’t let employees have a voice taught me how important it is to ensure you give everyone, no matter their title, space to feel heard.”

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martes, 23 de julio de 2019

Como Lidiar con Psicopatas en el Trabajo

Probablemente todos los dias, en el trabajo, nos tropecemos con psicopatas y debamos lidiar con ellos. Muchos de ellos son aparentemente exitosos ejecutivos. Este artículo nos permite identificarlos y pautar ciertas reglas para gestionarlos del mejor modo posible.

This is how to deal with psychopaths and toxic people
Yes, psychopaths are more likely to be in jail than most people — but the majority of them aren’t. There’s a whole class of people who don’t have a conscience or feel empathy, and in all likelihood you deal with at least one all the time.
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lunes, 22 de julio de 2019

Liderazgo Colectivo, Liderazgo de Este Tiempo

El liderazgo colectivo es la forma en la cual os equipos de alto desempeño optimizan resultados. Lejos del paradigma de Hollywood,  los líderes no se corresponden a modelos heroicos sino a jugadores de equipo donde cada uno tiene su especialidad y la desarrolla en función del éxito del equipo.

Collective leadership is the best way to win
Having a limited talent pool of leaders is part of the problem. But the root cause is more profound. The way companies approach leadership is wrong.
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viernes, 19 de julio de 2019

Por Que los Exitosos No Se Sienten Así

Es común que luego de alcanzar determinados logros no nos sintamos como esperábamos sentirnos. Hay razones para ello.

Unnerving Success Man RepellerWhy Success Doesn't Always Feel… Successful
 Success rarely feels like people think it will, says Majo Molfino, a women’s leadership expert and career coach. It is often defined by the world, using external characteristics. “These definitions are often drawn up by families, friends, partners, schools, universities, workplaces, religions, and the greater media and pop culture,” she says.
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jueves, 18 de julio de 2019

Caracteristicas Distintivas de los Intuitivos

Si bien hay personas más racionales y otras mas intuitivas, todos tenemos ambos componentes jugando a la hora de la toma de decisiones. Este articulo muestra alguna de las características distintitvas de "los intuitivos".

7 things deeply intuitive people do differently
Intuition comes from the primitive brain; it’s an artifact of the early days of man when the brain’s ability to detect hidden dangers ensured our survival.
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miércoles, 17 de julio de 2019

El Futuro del Trabajo es Hoy

Interesantisimo artículo sobre la Gig Economy. Nos muestra como el futuro del trabajo ya llegó y está para imponerse masivamente. Tambien que hacer para aprovechar mejor esta nueva economía.

future work
What is the gig economy? Why the future of work is online (and how to prepare)
There’s a very strong chance the work you’re doing right now will be unrecognizably transformed in the next 10-20 years, especially if you work in an office. If you haven’t been replaced by AI or automation, chances are you’ll be working online in a freelance capacity.
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martes, 16 de julio de 2019

Impacto de los Colaboradores Segun su Orígen social

Interesante experimento relativo a las creencias de los trabajadores segun su procedencia social. Sin embargo, lo más interesante son los testimonios y la influencia en el grupo de aquellos que han logrado superar su origen social.

uncaptionedWhy You Should Beware Of Having An Upper Class Workforce
"Advantages beget advantages. Those who are born in upper-class echelons are likely to remain in the upper class, and high-earning entrepreneurs disproportionately originate from highly educated, well-to-do families," the researchers explain. "Our research suggests that social class shapes the attitudes that people hold about their abilities and that, in turn, has important implications for how class hierarchies perpetuate from one generation to the next."
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lunes, 15 de julio de 2019

Como Lidiar Empleados Tóxicos

Uno de los grandes desafios de los líderes pasa por gestionar a empleados valiosos que sin embargo son tóxicos. Este artículo arroja algunas pistas de como hacerlo.

6 'Win-Win' Ways to Deal With Toxic Employees (Without Causing Lasting Damage)6 'Win-Win' Ways to Deal With Toxic Employees (Without Causing Lasting Damage)
 Is one employee dragging your company down? It’s absolutely critical that you know how to both spot and deal with toxic employees. A single bad employee can ruin the work experience for everyone else, creating issues with absenteeism, killing useful initiatives, increasing turnover and generally making your workplace a hostile environment.
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viernes, 12 de julio de 2019

La Falla en los Empleados de Alto Desempeño

Los empleados de alto desempeño frecuentemente fallan en un aspecto básico: la construcción de relaciones con sus compañeros de trabajo.

uncaptionedHigh Performers Often Make This One Big Mistake
High performers are often like stars – they shine bright, but they can also burn out. What is the one sure way to derail your own high performance? By paying more attention to getting stuff done than to building relationships.
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jueves, 11 de julio de 2019

El Poder del Storytelling

El "contar historias" nos retrotrae a nuestro origen como especie, nuestra forma de relacionarnos, aprender y formar comunidad. Si bien la vida moderna nos resta momentos de encuentro para contar y escuchar historia, la fascinación y el poder de las mismas se mantiene vigente.

Storytelling increases social media audience engagement and loyalty
Most of the content vying for our attention in social media campaigns these days is fleeting. You might see it for only a split second to begin with. And, if the message is designed to stoke your fear of missing out on something new and amazing (a.k.a. FOMO), the entire experience becomes one driven by a person’s willingness — and ability — to react quickly, take action now, and generally speaking, not think too hard about what they’re doing.
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martes, 9 de julio de 2019

25 Errores Que Corregidos Nos Fortalecen

Todos cometemos errores, es parte de la vida. De hecho, es a través de nuestros errores y fracasos que adquirimos las experiencias y conocimientos que nos permiten tener éxito.

career success woman job25 mistakes that successful people say made them stronger in the end
 Successful people recognize when they've made a blunder. They learn from it, grow and then move on.  Ignoring one's gut instinct or not asking the right questions upfront are among the most common mistakes successful people try to never repeat.
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lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

6 Rasgos de las Empresas Familiares Exitosas

Interesante estudio sobre los rasgos caracteristicos de las empresas familiares exitosas.

6 Traits of Strong Family Businesses
Family businesses are the cornerstone of most national economies, according to a recent report by Credit Suisse Research. They can create jobs, spur innovation, and drive superior returns.
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jueves, 4 de julio de 2019

Cuando Nuestro Trabajo se Convierte en Nuestra Identidad

Tenemos la tendencia a identificarnos con nuestro trabajo y a creer que nuestra identidad se asocia al mismo. Esto nos genera una distorsión que nos aleja de nosotros mismos, daña nuestros vinculos y muchas veces causa un dolor innecesario.

When Your Job Is Your Identity, Professional Failure Hurts More
It is critical that we learn to distinguish and differentiate our roles from our self. We get into trouble when we lose ourselves in our role instead of thinking in a detached way about how the role is viewed by others. 
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martes, 2 de julio de 2019

Fortaleza Mental Segun las Neurociencias

Para superar momentos de crisis y atravesar grandes desafíos es necesario contar con gran fortaleza mental. Las neurociencias aportan tips para mejorar en este aspecto.

This is how to become mentally strong: 3 secrets from neuroscience
 Ever get to the point where your brain is just pooped? The ol’ grey matter is waving the white flag. You’re exhausted. You can’t go on. You’ve got no more mental energy. Well, sorry, but that’s just not true.
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lunes, 1 de julio de 2019

El Poder de la Cultura de Equipo

Como vemos en el deporte, la cultura de los equipos puede convertirse en el factor que haga la diferencia y los lleve a resultados sobresalientes. el secreto está en liberar ese poder.

How to unlock the hidden power of team culture
Culture is supposed to eat strategy for breakfast. But, it’s leaving many organizations hungry for better results. A positive culture provides the right environment. It encourages people to create their best work possible. But, the increasing focus and investment on organizational culture, is not moving the needle.

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