El liderazgo intelectual implica anunciar y comunicar los pensamientos en algún momento (escribiendo, enseñando, informando y / o hablando sobre el tema). Pero en su núcleo, el liderazgo innovador se refiere a la investigación, el pensamiento crítico, el análisis, la evaluación y las recomendaciones que conducen a la resolución de problemas, la mejora de procesos y los resultados estratégicos definidos.
Three Competencies That Thought Leaders Demonstrate Exceptionally Well
Thought leadership is often viewed as synonymous with being a speaker or an author. While many speakers and authors are thought leaders, many are not. Thought leadership and professional speaking or writing are not one in the same. Michael Brenner, former head of strategy for NewsCred, informs that when it comes to thought leadership, “the source is not as important as the content.” He goes on to say that, “Thought leadership doesn’t mean a big name from a big school, it means you provide the best and deepest answers to your customers’ biggest questions in the formats your audience likes to consume them.”
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Thought leadership is often viewed as synonymous with being a speaker or an author. While many speakers and authors are thought leaders, many are not. Thought leadership and professional speaking or writing are not one in the same. Michael Brenner, former head of strategy for NewsCred, informs that when it comes to thought leadership, “the source is not as important as the content.” He goes on to say that, “Thought leadership doesn’t mean a big name from a big school, it means you provide the best and deepest answers to your customers’ biggest questions in the formats your audience likes to consume them.”
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