No es secreto que las técnicas de coaching pueden ser enorme utilidad a la hora de ayudar a la organización a superar los procesos de cambio. Las empresas de alto rendimiento también tienen más probabilidades de informar que las iniciativas de cambio cumplen o superan sus expectativas de éxito.
Coaching may ease the pains of change management
A new study from the Human Capital Institute (HCI) and the International Coach Federation (ICF) reveals that less than a quarter of companies are confident in their employee's ability to manage change, but in high performing companies, confidence is higher. High performing companies are also more likely to report change initiatives meet or exceed their expectations for success.
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A new study from the Human Capital Institute (HCI) and the International Coach Federation (ICF) reveals that less than a quarter of companies are confident in their employee's ability to manage change, but in high performing companies, confidence is higher. High performing companies are also more likely to report change initiatives meet or exceed their expectations for success.
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