Si bien la transformación digital estaba en la agenda de muchas organizaciones, es evidente que el mundo post COVID-19 ampliará y acelerará el avance en tal dirección. Esto es una buena noticia para las empresas y profesionales que facilitan esa transición.
How the pandemic is catapulting corporate digital transformation
Though digital transformation has been on the agenda of most organisations for some time, the severity of Covid-19 is pushing forward-thinking organisations to embrace it wholeheartedly. What’s more, the phased integration of digital solutions, so popular in the past, has been pushed out by the need for rapid change.
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Though digital transformation has been on the agenda of most organisations for some time, the severity of Covid-19 is pushing forward-thinking organisations to embrace it wholeheartedly. What’s more, the phased integration of digital solutions, so popular in the past, has been pushed out by the need for rapid change.
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