miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020

Como Los Mejores Líderes Gestionan Las Crisis

Es hora del mejor liderazgo para conducir a los equipos a traves de la crisis. Para ello, algunas reflexiones sobre lo que "no hacen" los mejores líderes.

How Great Leaders Handle High-Stress Situations | Inc.com
There are a lot of worst-case scenarios that can cause cortisol levels to skyrocket, even for the most seasoned business leaders. For some leaders, a crisis like the current Covid-19 pandemic is one of them. For others, there can be a variety of triggers. Your biggest client has given notice; your star employee is now working for your competitor; your stock value has plummeted. Leaders are stuck wondering how they're going to pivot and scale the rather large mountain that stands in front of them. 
leerlo en:  https://www.inc.com/mandy-gilbert/how-great-leaders-handle-high-stress-situations.html

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