viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2019

Cultura Organizacional Libre de Elementos Tóxicos

Una cultura corporativa tóxica impacta negativamente en el desarrollo de cualquier organizacion. De allí, la importancia de detectar signos que afectan las creencias de los colaboradores para reformular de inmediato estas creencias y comportamientos. Es una función clave de sus líderes.
5 Warning Signs Your Company Culture Is Broken and a Crisis Looms, According to Research
 One of the biggest things a leader must guard against is the onset of toxicity in their workplace. There are plenty of easy-to-miss signs that your workplace is toxic which contribute to reasons your best employees quit. But there's also more than enough work to be done in just spotting and acting on the most surefire, blinking neon light signs of a company culture about to go really south.
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