viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

Como Debe Ser un Líder, Segun el Dalai Lama

Reflexiones del Dalai Lama sobre el liderazgo. ideal para comenzar el fin de semana.

The Dalai Lama on Why Leaders Should Be Mindful, Selfless, and Compassionate
 Over the past nearly 60 years, I have engaged with many leaders of governments, companies, and other organizations, and I have observed how our societies have developed and changed. I am happy to share some of my observations in case others may benefit from what I have learned.

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2019

El Feedback No Es Una Pérdida de Tiempo

Recientemente, unos autores expusieron en Harvard Business Review su posición contraria al feedback, diciendo que no funciona. En este artículo se relativizan aquellos argumentos y se plantea bajo que condiciones el feedback es efectivo.

Feedback Is Not A Waste Of Time: What 'The Feedback Fallacy' Got Wrong
Is giving feedback a waste of time? You might think so if you read Marcus Buckingham and Ashley Goodall’s Harvard Business Review article “The Feedback Fallacy,” which purports to debunk much of our thinking about feedback

lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019

La Experiencia del Cliente Como Centro

Las propuestas de valor deben considerar los modos de relacionamiento con los clientes y en particular la capacidad de facilitarle el proceso de compra y la atención que sigue.

The Other "E" In Customer Experience: Customer Effort
My concept of creating a convenient experience is an end-to-end experience, including every point of interaction with any aspect of the company—interactions with employees, product, website, packaging… everything. How easy are you to do business with? What extra effort do you put your customers through? What friction can you eliminate?

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2019

Focalizarse Sobre Lo Importante

En el trabajo diario nos vemos permanentemente impulsados a resolver problemas urgentes y cada tanto nos cuestionamos si lo urgente no está dejando guera de foco lo importante ...

jul17-03-1059383-Bich-Tran-pexels2How to Focus on What's Important, Not Just What's Urgent
In a series of studies recently published in the Journal of Consumer Research, people typically chose to complete tasks that had very short deadlines attached to them, even in situations in which tasks with less pressing deadlines were just as easy and promised a bigger reward.

miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019

Para Un Feedback Productivo

El aprendizaje efectivo, orientado a mejorar el rendimiento, requiere tres cosas: a) un objetivo claro; b) un deseo genuino de lograr ese objetivo y c) comentarios que indiquen qué están haciendo bien y qué no están haciendo bien.

How Leaders Can Get Honest, Productive Feedback
Unfortunately, the feedback many leaders receive is not helpful. It’s often infrequent, vague, or unrelated to specific behaviors — and as a result, leaders tend to be less proactive about getting more of it. Low-quality feedback is not useful, positive feedback is undervalued, and negative feedback delivered unskillfully can actually cause physical pain.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2019

El Trabajo Invisible de la Gestión del Cambio

Los procesos de cambio organizacional son extremadamente díficiles. en muchos casos porque se subestiman por parte de la alta gerencia. as reflexiones de  los practitioners siempre son útiles para aprender de sus experiencias y miradas particulares.
Magic actHow to begin the invisible work of change management
The thing about change management is that it involves a lot of invisible work that’s hard to follow from the outside.

Como Gestionar a los "Alto Potencial"

¿Como identificar, forma y mantener en la compañía a aquellos colaboradores que pueden transformar nuestra compañia? Este artículo provee algunas ideas valiosas.

How to find, grow, and keep the top 5% employees who can change your company
Every team has its star members who help the group reach big milestones. Some have extraordinary abilities, while others create team cohesion. Organizations also have standout members, which are often referred to as “high-potential employees.”

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2019

Llevando tu Pyme al Siguiente Nivel

El crecimiento de las pequeñas empresas desvela a sus dueños, quienes paradójicamente tienen dificultades para "pensar en grande". Este articulo plantea algunas ideas al respecto.

How to Take Your Small Business to the Next Level
 It took countless long nights, gallons of elbow grease, and a metric ton of hope, but you did it: You launched your own business. But whether you’re an established startup shooting to be the next unicorn or a retail operation that wants a footprint on every corner, the question of “What do I do now?” is undoubtedly on your mind. We sought out experts to help answer that burning question, whether you’re wondering what kind of customer to approach next or figuring out where to spend that next chunk of marketing money. Read on -- you've got this.