Muchas son las técnicas utilizadas por las organizaciones para que sus empleados acepten con entusiasmo los procesos de cambios. A continuación, se muestran los resultados de una investigación publicada en Harvard Business Review sobre el tema.
Research: To Get People to Embrace Change, Emphasize What Will Stay the Same
Common wisdom in management science and practice has it that to build support for a change project, visionary leadership is needed to outline what is wrong with the current situation. By explaining how the envisioned change will result in a better and more appealing future, leaders can overcome resistance to change...
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Common wisdom in management science and practice has it that to build support for a change project, visionary leadership is needed to outline what is wrong with the current situation. By explaining how the envisioned change will result in a better and more appealing future, leaders can overcome resistance to change...
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