martes, 30 de junio de 2015

El Coaching Ausente en la Disciplina de Change Management

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 Todos los enfoques de Change Management pecan de mecanicistas. Si bien se sabe que se trabaja con personas y que éstas presentan resistencias, los modelos más usuales tratan a las personas como contingentes a los cuales suministrarles determinadas dosis de capacitación y comunicación. Uno de los grandes desafíos de la disciplina del Change Management es introducir herramientas de coaching para conversar con las personas acerca del cambio, encontrar acuerdos y generar un fuerza virtuosa para movilizar los procesos de cambio.


Major Approaches & Models of Change Management - Change is the only constant reality of life and is observed not just in our personal life but also on the professional front. But do all of us know how to deal with change? No. Managing change and learning to adapt to it takes time, energy, efforts and training and this is the reason why several learned individuals around the globe have come up with properly structured and defined models to manage change. In this article, we shall go through what change management is and about the various popular change management models that have been effectively and successfully been applied to businesses and industries with the aim of dealing with transition and change.

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